Sƚιʅҽʂ and Cain

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Stiles Moraitis

      They met at a Park, my mom was babysitting Hazel, Kai, and Ingrid and nothing in mind to do with them besides getting sun

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      They met at a Park, my mom was babysitting Hazel, Kai, and Ingrid and nothing in mind to do with them besides getting sun. She said she's been going there for about a month once they turned six but my dad just laughed because she started going when she saw him once with Cain and decided to babysit out of nowhere (that's the insight from aunt Jo). My mom wasn't always so subtle but she did get her lint across; she waited for a week to get the courage to talk to my dad. He said she was adorable acting shy but he'd been watching her withy cousins and knew she was the real deal. My cousins loved her so they obeyed her but of course only to a extent; my dad called her out and said "So i've noticed you've been stalking me. Lucky for you i'm two years out of a divorce. Wanna go out to dinner? Strictly casual though". He said that her mouth dropped and they she was blushing because he was blunt about it but she didn't say no, they talked at the park until Cain was ready to leave. A week later my parents went out on a date and started off to a rocky start, my dads car broke down and he was still at work. My mom said she was nervous and sad that he didn't show up that night, also mad since he didn't call or text her to let her know what was happening. My mom didn't go to the park for weeks according to my dad and he got sad since he didn't get to see her. Finally on a Saturday afternoon my mom went to the park and my dad was there waiting and my mom tried everything to dodge him but failed.

This is how the conversation went according to my dad:
D: "Davina! Wait! I'm sorry okay. A lot of stuff happen when I was at work"
M: "No! You couldn't even text or call me?!"
D: "I know I should've but I rather talk in person because I had the worst experience with my ex-wife and I... I didn't want to hide behind the phone"
M: "Still could've texted to meet you. It's called minimal technology communication Marcel"
D: "I know, I'm sorry"
M: "So what happen?"
D: "My car broke down at work, so I was late to pick up Cain and my car took forever to get picked up. I was busy being annoyed to think about contacting you"
M: "Hmm of course when something good happens to me nothing great comes out of it"
D: "Ha, Yeah I left that one"

Of course my dad didn't know that she was a witch and nothing really goes good for newly witches especially since she wasn't that skilled yet. They hashed out the little incident and agreed to go on another date, this time they're meet up there so no one is relying on a ride. They went one six dates before becoming official, my dad wanted to take it slow and my mom was just enjoying the time she had with him. My dad met my family two months after they became official for financial reasons, he wanted to get my mom an expensive gift before meeting her brothers so he 'put a pin in it' to meeting the bodyguards (that's what he called my uncles). When he finally met her family they liked him right away, he wasn't like her other boyfriends who tried to hard; he was just a normal guy from the city. He was there for Julianna's birth and he instantly became her favorite out of Gavin and Brian. My dad became best friends with Gavin and Brian within a couple of months since my mom kept bringing him around plus uncle Feliciano offered him a job in the family business. They were together three years before getting married in march; went to Hawaii for a month then conceived me in April then nine months later I was born of course on Christmas eve. Kai and Cain were the same age, they were ten, when I was born so basically everyone was taking care of me except Julianna; apparently she made me play tea party with her. Cain didn't like me much either, even though he was adopted and I was made by his adoptive father. Liam and I were born a week apart making him a new years baby. So me an him are week apart twins just i'm a warlock and he's a vampire and we have different parents but we grew up as brothers.

Cain Thomas Kingston

      I don't really try to remember how I was adopted, it ended up shit anyways since the people who adopted me didn't stay together long

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      I don't really try to remember how I was adopted, it ended up shit anyways since the people who adopted me didn't stay together long. Marcel swears that it had nothing to do with my that I was all Lucile but I didn't really care that much. I was more of a loner, I liked being outside and like to sleep, pretty much like not any other four year old. My parents were divorced for two years before Marcel met Davina. She was cool, I saw that she had three other kids with her but I didn't know they were her nieces until I met her family and they were with their own parents. Marcel and Davina would sometimes bring me on dates with them so that I could get used to the thought of having Davina around. She wasn't bad, I mean I wasn't expecting her to last long with Marcel since he and Lucile were only married for five years before the divorce. When they got married I was excited I guess, I liked her a lot, she wasn't like the other moms but she wasn't one to be played with either; she never let things slide I learned that the hard way at twenty four. When they had Stiles when I was ten it was cool having a little brother around, I watched him but never touched him. I did not like him but I was so used to being alone that the age difference was totally new to me. I was ready to fight with him but he was still a baby, I did not carry him once, he was heavy the first time and I almost dropped him; Davina was not happy with me but she didn't yell. I consider her more of a aunt than a mom which is totally weird since she's married to my adoptive father now. Hazel and Kai are cool but i'm not that intense, Julianna and Ingrid are cool too, we get along just to pass time by when Hazel and Kai aren't around. Stiles and Liam together are annoying, they're like fucking twins, they just nag and always ask for stuff like Liam doesn't have an older sister. Though I admit Hazel was growing up hotter by the day, why did I have to be adopted!? Lucky for my dad he hasn't aged since he was thirty due to Davina finally learning the anti-aging spell; apparently they want to pass when I or Stiles hit forty to see their grandchildren, what an old couple.

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