chapter 20

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      All eyes were on us for months after Ingrid took over. She made everyone where white, she liked seeing the mess she caused. Her parents hated when she came in the house dirty with Liam and Stiles following behind her. I think out of every family in this one Gavin and Ingrid are the most interesting. Their powers have to do with their mind while Skyla can only hear as much as a wolf can. Milo started walking and everyone was happy.

Stiles followed in Cain's footsteps and joined the army. We think Davina made him but in all honesty Stiles loved Cain like a brother. Even if Cain thought otherwise. Kai and Jasmine become pregnant, Cole finally decided to pass away, and Davina finally moved in after so many years. It finally dawned on me that me and my cousins grew up. It felt like yesterday I was still sixteen waiting for Kaiden to walk bye my class and snuck us out of school to watch over Julie, Ing, and Liam.

- ten years later -

      I didn't even realize I was staring at the ocean. I was in my head this whole time until Hayden came down and yelled at me in panic.
"We have to go! The children are in trouble!" he says as I get up. Children? Why not call them kids... "What children Hayden?" I ask making him take in deep breaths "Aspens team!  Blake said... Aslan turned against them... and has them captive," he says running back up the hill. I smile a little at the fact that Aslan sounded a bit like Liam.

      I called Davina on the way to the airport and of course Ingrid met us there. As if she knew already, she had our dads and moms there on standby. "I'm ready to see my grandkids," mom says making me scoff "Where's Milo?" I ask making her look around. "Oh, i'm sorry... I thought i left him at home assuming you'd babysit," she says sarcastically making Hayden chuckle. I hit him and roll my eyes at my mom "Clearly someone pissed you off this morning," I say under my breath making her smack her mouth.

As we stand in a circle I start to picture Liam and Julianna with us. My mom gets clear in my view of sight and she smiles and says "Ready to meet your babies?" I nod and look at Hayden as he squeezes my hand. The kids have to be fully grown and stuck at the age of twenty-five by now. I suddenly felt a wave of anxiety hit me, I finally learned what that meant. Blake was a great friend to have for two years. Everyone saw how easily I was adapting to my senses.

When we get there I couldn't believe my eyes. As both of my kids were on the screen I see my family in them more than me and Hayden. They gave us a debriefing about their current discoveries. My son has turned into Elizabeth except this isn't out of hatred for people killing his mother... It was because he doesn't know who or what he is. He withdrew or got kicked out of the academy at thirteen. He was too aggressive and lashed out whenever he could. I looked at Hayden and he just gave me a face of sadness.

When I turn around to see who walked through the door everyone gasps. My dad and his siblings start walking fast to the lady. My grandmother who we thought died months after my grandfather. She looks at me and narrows her eyebrows. "I thought you didn't want children my demon child... Suddenly I see my own children and learn that one of my grandchildren had offspring. It wasn't hard to tell because you're the only one with black hair and brown eyes. So tell me Hazel Rae, why did you let those children go? And saying you needed to find yourself is not a good reason," she says making me look down at our feet. I feel a hand being placed on me but she smacks it away.

I flinch at try to fight back my inner wolf. I look up at her and she appears to have a smirk, "Hmm what are you now little one? A dirty breed?" she says making my father snap "That's enough mother! It was a last minute decision Chloe made! She is not dirty she is pure unlike you!" he says making my mom gasp. She lifts my face up more with a finger uber my chin "What are you now Hazel. I won't ask again," she says making me whine "I'm a tribrid... Vampire, wolf and hunter... As for my children they're exactly like Liam," I say making her eyes widen as if intrigued.

The End.


"Any questions?" I ask looking up and seeing everyone's mouth open. I laugh to myself but smile. Hopefully they liked it.

"Tons!" someone says making me smile as I see who it is.

"Go on then," I say closing my published book about my family.

"Why kill yourself off?" Hazel asks making me give her a smirk.

"Let's be honest. The many point of views would get tiring and boring. Plus it's not a supernatural family without a couple of deaths right?" I say making everyone nod in agreement.

She shrugs her shoulders as she laughs.

"Anymore?" I ask as I wait for my agent to come and dismiss me.

"Have you found your mate?" A little girl asks making me smile as I play with my wedding ring.

I nod and point in his general direction.

My love, Tyler Joseph. My baby daddy to Zira Siren Joseph. I look at him as he holds our four year old with her brown hair in pigtails. She's my absolute world.

"What ever happened to Aspen and Aslan?" someone asks making me make eye contact with Hazel. She looks sad but she nods as Hayden holds her.

"As soon as I know i'll write a book just for them. I promise." I say last as my agent dismisses me.

I sign books and take pictures with everyone. They loved Zira and said Hazel was beautiful. When I asked Hazel if she could be the main character she didn't talk to me for weeks but soon got some sense talked into her from Ingrid and Kai and she said yes. I hope I did her justice, she was always the old I looked up to.

At dinner she kisses my head and squeezes me "I absolutely love it... Hopefully my kids will come and find me... But everyone's going to hate you for that cliffhanger." she says making everyone chuckle.

Milo sits on Hayden's lap and laughs before falling asleep so easily. I look around the table and smile, my family in the book has been through so much but I know for sure that they won't take each other for granted and do everything possible to keep each other alive. Even though Liam or my mom couldn't be here with us today I see them in spirit. I hope I get to meet my niece and nephew soon. They're the most powerful twins to every walk the earth and they didn't even know it.

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