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Julianna Reina Moraitis

      They met at a strip club, I know but love is love, they couldn't help it

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      They met at a strip club, I know but love is love, they couldn't help it. This story is burned in the back of my head, it's not one of my favorite stories like uncle Gavins but it's definitely worth a movie plot.

My dad worked for another company, an insider of sorts; he gave my uncles information about their so claimed 'million dollar ideas'. He was the main boss' security detail, he said that my mom was very secretive and always went early to work or that he was always late. She also worked there but was rarely seen; she said that she was the main boss' second secretary and his sons girlfriend at the time. He didn't like for anyone but the top floor to see her since she was his precious gift.

Throughout the years my grandparents found out there were other creatures like them, except they had fur and were shapeshifters. My grandfather said that they had a distinct smell but were enemies to us vampires; they found that out the hard way. They were out walking on a full moon and noticed a glow in the distance but could smell something different in the air. He said that they were nowhere near home and felt like someone was following them, without hesitation the fur like figure ran towards them and they booked it to a safe place with lights.

Two minutes later they ended up at a convince store but they noticed they were closer to home than they thought. They were safe but they were more worried about how my dad and his siblings would grow up in the world without knowing who was what. Reason i'm bringing this up is because my mom is a werewolf, the company she worked for were full of wolves, they were all in the pack and her boyfriend was the prince to the alpha.

Also you might be thinking 'well your dads a vampire and wolves can smell too' well my dad and his siblings learned to mask their scent growing up. They did it because while my grandparents fed on animal blood, my uncles fed on humans and had to mask the human scent that lingered. Wolves can too but they didn't suspect any vampires in town after my grandparents so they didn't really need to, my dad caught onto that so he masked his scent when he went for an interview for their security.

My dads combat and gun skills put him exactly to the top tier; he was one of the bodyguards for Alpha Cowan, the alpha, my moms future father in law. My dad spent a year there in the company before getting to know my mom, Alpha Cowan and his family were going vacation for a whole month with my mom but she only stayed for one week since she had business back home. My mom was a secretary but was known as a model for named brands so she was always traveling; hence the rarely being seen part.

While my dad stayed home and spent time with my uncles he got a call from the alpha to pick up my mom from the airport and to stay with her until they got back from their trip. He remembered him picking her up like it was yesterday every time he told this story:
    "I was hesitant to agree since I wanted to spend time with my niece and nephew, Ingrid was still in the womb at this point. I agreed to earn some extra insight or to see if I could get the attention of any of her model friends" he says chuckling while my mom slaps him playfully. He said he picked her up and couldn't recognize her because she was wearing sweats and an oversized t-shirt with her hair in a bun. My mom wasn't rude but she didn't talk much to anyone that was on the security team but my dad changed that with his smart ass conversations.

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