Chapter 6

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    Hazel's POV:

      We had no luck on finding her after she left. I mean she had to come back for Ethan at some point so we kept him with us. We let him watch how we train using our powers. Since Liam got the hunter gene we had to focus on his silence of hearing since their eyesight goes first when they're older. From what mom's parents have told us in a little diary. I look at him in a blindfold and laugh "This is going to be fun." I say as he scoffs "I would say go easy on me but what will I learn?" he says making me look at Kai next to Ethan. I got after liam and he nicks me "Lucky shot." I say making him gasp "Oh c'mon hazeit would be more fun if you were blindfolded to." Kai says making me scoff.

     I turn to them as Liam comes for me "That's actually a disadvantage for him

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     I turn to them as Liam comes for me "That's actually a disadvantage for him... I can see in the dark remember? I use sound to help me out." I say making Ethan laugh. Liam comes for me again and I knock him back on his back. I don't know why mom isn't helping him she knows everything. I guess she's being there for Chloe. I look at kai and he's staring off into space, I can't even tell what he wants to do. Mom comes down finally and sit nexts to kai and holds his hand as me and Lee circle around each other.  He turns his head when I stop and I smile and I duck and try to hit him with the handle but he catches me. He laughs and then takes it from my hand and kicks me on my ass "Touché baby bro." I say getting up as he takes his blindfold off.

   Week later:

      We sat outside on the patio for dinner. Kai smelt it frost, the smell of rot. When we finally turned around Andrea was in the kitchen looking at us. She was alive. Before we went to open the door she was gone. So that means Gabe died for nothing? or he could possibly come back too? Eventually Ethan's phone rang after we finally processed what just happened and her name was front and center. He gives the phone to Liam and he changes his voice to match "Yeah you can come over your family dropped us off awhile ago, I can't be alone right now Izz." he says then hangs up the phone. We look at each other and dad nods before saying"Hazel, Kai you take point." We grave Ethan and leave straight for the house. This is either going to be a good thing or a very bad idea.

She arrives and we turn our heads at the same time when she slams the door open and we watch as her eyes go dark

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She arrives and we turn our heads at the same time when she slams the door open and we watch as her eyes go dark. "Woah Izzy chill... We're not here to hurt you." Ethan says making her blink and her eyes go back to normal. She closes the door and crosses her arms "You look hot by the way." he says making Kai slap him on the arm. I sit Ethan down and look at her with seriousness. A face that i knew scared everyone "We have a problem and we need your help," I say making her eyes roll "What could you possibly need from me?" she asks with such spite making kai chuckle.

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