Chapter 7

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Hazel after Liam:

      I went 'downtown' aka to Markus. He let me in with open arms and I told him nothing. He didn't question me and I respected that, especially since he needs me for my high status. She told one of the girls to give me a tour and she wasn't very happy about it but I didn't mind. It was only a matter of time until I showed her who I really am. I smelled something so strong and powerful, aside from the sweat and body oder.

      When we passed the infirmary I watch as a someone's hand gracefully patted on a guys torso. He was scratched everywhere but he still looked attractive. I studied the veins popping out of his arms and how the scars were slowly healing. I don't really believe in the whole mate thing, just a useless connection that'll get u killed in the end when were supposed to be immortal. I catch myself staring to hard and try to find the girl when all of a sudden I felt someone looking at me. I moved my eyes up and there he was staring at me with fury in his eyes.

 I moved my eyes up and there he was staring at me with fury in his eyes

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      He gets up slowly not putting his shirt back on. That's a plus for me. He's tall and he looks hot sweaty. He stands in front of me without breaking eye contact. He looks at my face getting close enough then walks away. The girl laughs and shakes her head "Don't even try girl... He's a hard one to tame." she says as if she's speaking from experience but I smile "You speak as if you know him that well... An ex of yours?" I ask making her roll her eyes as she gets up and walks towards me. She's two inches taller than me at most but I smile big as she says "Something like that... Don't say I didn't warn you." she says walking away. "As much as I like a challenge i'm only into humans... Thanks for the heads up though." I say making her stop in her tracks and turn around. I smile and salute her before walking in the same direction I came in.

 I smile and salute her before walking in the same direction I came in

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      I stumbled upon the security room and my eyes land in a girl. She looks fragile, even more since she's in handcuffs. I can't hear anything she's saying but she looks scared. I look around not moving my feet and see another screen with another girl who looks almost alike the other. I turn around as loon as I see the man's head turn faster. He ended up closing the door but obviously they must be someone important.

 He ended up closing the door but obviously they must be someone important

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