Chapter 4

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    Hazel's POV

      Training Elizabeth was harder than we thought. She did great when we took blood from the boys even though we know she was ready to taste it. It took her two hours just to get used to the smell and small drop of their bloods. We asked on of Liam's turned blood bags to compel some guys at the bar for her to munch on... Didn't end great since Kai had to pull her away for draining too much in three minutes. When we have her an extra drop of Ethan's blood she wasn't as intense as she was with Gabe's.

To be fair we made her run to see if these guys were actually drunk. I find the drunk ones to be way better, helps me get in on the buzz too. Kai left to make a phone call while I watch her made out with some guy in a corner. She was smart but she didn't know when to stop, even after Kai helped her with the first guy. Rookie move bro.
Kai pushed her out of the bar and I laughed as she on her back. She tried going after Kai but i knocked the wind out of her, feasting on other vamps is disgusting... Who knows what they'd taste like to her with her human tastebuds.

      When Kai picked her up from the floor her laughs "Should've let her have a wack at it," he says making me scoff. I watch him gently lay her in the backseat then close the door "Whats up with you towards her?" I ask making him roll his eyes. He gets behind the wheel and I just look at him in the passenger side "Look I just think she needs an actual family until before we find out what to do with her... Leighton and Julianna treat her like shit," he says making me laugh at him. He starts to drive and I sigh "That's not our problem Kai. We protect our own and clearly she's more powerful than all of us so keep your feelings in check. You already know we can't help her if Kayla goes after her," I say making him stay quiet.

      We put her back in the outhouse and let her finish the rest of Gabe's blood and kept her one spot. The biggest challenge for her now is to control herself, it takes new vamps days to control their hunger but we don't have days with her. When we got inside her heart was racing faster than normal when she spotted him. "Let's go try it out," she say making him smile, Fel and Cole raised their eyebrows and chuckled as she grabbed him by the arm and rushed up the stairs. When she closes the door we all look at each other when gabe says "Too hard Izz." The dads left soon after making everyone laugh.

We heard Gabriel struggling as Leighton got bored of looking at Kai and suggested they'd start training. We ran up the stairs and I pulled Elizabeth off as kai walked in with his back towards us. She blinked rapidly as her eyes go back to normal as a laugh leave Kai's lips. They both leave after she puts her clothes on "So he's experienced?" I asks making her eyes roll "Yes he is," she says making me laugh. I had to asked her the obvious questions, what was going to happen to them or in general the three of them. She says "I don't know." and that she hopes it for "get awkward", which of course will be hard because sex changes everything. We walk down the stairs finally and notice that Gabe is alone "Boys and jo are downstairs, good luck Gabe," I says before walking out the door.

Julianna's POV:

      Later that night dad picks me up from Jazz's, my mom begged me to come. Dad instructs is to stay in the car until he says moms name, which was pretty pathetic. In the car she turns to me as he walks in and she sighs "Would you hate me if I killed her mom?" she asks making me scoff "What's you're deal with her? So what dad had another kid, at least I have a sibling... Can't you think of it like that? Think of me." I say making her look away from me. I swear they never think of me. She looks at me and she sighs before saying "She used to be my best friend growing up. Look we had a falling out and I didn't think she'd actually go for your dad. Or at least thought your dad wouldn't... Look when I saw them together it broke my heart but once I turned seventeen it changed, he came to me. Which of course you'd understand and she wouldn't."

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