Chapter 3

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    Kai's POV:

      The first moment I knew Elizabeth was bad news is when I went over because the alarm went off. She didn't hear it and it was built for us to. She wasn't an ordinary one and I can't see why. I've looked up everyone she mentioned, no pictures popped up but Kai Lockwood, first born to Alexandra, well known in owning shares of three different companies. Matteo Stark, married to Kailani and was only known for being popular in New York for his modeling and college degree. Her mom was clean, nothing out of the blue, just associated with a type of Mexican car deal.

      When I spot her on the porch I was quiet. She was on the phone but when I got closer I felt her off, almost darker than Stiles. I scared her when she got back inside and her eyes went back to blue, "Elizabeth," I say as her eyes met mine. I told her about the alarm and she instantly panicked making me laugh on the inside. Nice to know i'm not the only one who feels alone though, also a dream of her Kai being a Vampire? After we talked I told her i'd sleep in the extra room. Of course it's in the attic and only we know the passcode. I like that they put a sensor that can sense heat and many other things. Of course it works better on us since we have a chip that reads everything.

      She fell asleep instantly, it started reading her body temperature and she was fully heated. She calmed down three hours later. I told Cole the news and he said he'd bring D again. I bump into Leighton and he scoffs "Look man, about what I said about Elizabeth," he says and I cut him off "Don't try to backtrack on what you said. I know what it feels like to be the outcast of the family... I don't talk shit behind my cousins back so do yourself a favor and shut up around me... Because she is my cousin and I won't tolerate you bad mouthing my family," I say making him roll his eyes. I sit on the couch waiting for Cole and whoever he brings. It was way too quiet, quieter than our house. The women are up at five training with their husbands, not having sex you nasties. They train and then we wake up around six and join them. After that we're always in meetings in the living room or in the lab.

      They wake up around ten and Cole arrives with Hazel, Dad, and Gavin. I head downstairs to train with her cousins. I could hear everything as I was throwing the guys around. Josephine was looking at me like she was hunting me but I smiled at her. She looked cute but of course I had to put her in her place "I'm starting to think you have a crush on me," I whisper in her ear as I have her in a hold. She scoffs and tries to head butt me but I threw her again. Leighton and Ethan come for me but I use my strength and hold them back as Hazel comes in and kicks their leg making them fall back.

      We go back upstairs and Elizabeth's eyes immediately meet mine and I just nod as if I knew what she's thinking. Dad invites them to the house for a family dinner and I knew this was going to be the last straw, before everything goes to shit. On the way home it was quiet, well almost until Hazel opened her mouth "Are you kidding me Fel? Inviting her to the house! We don't know if Mikayla can control herself," she says making me chuckle. Cole looks at us through the mirror "For someone that always has an opinion you're extremely quiet Kai," he says making me flip him off. I sink into the seat and side eye Hazel "We just need to make sure she doesn't kill one of us or have Kayla and Julie  make it worse," I say making them suck their teeth.

At dinner that night everyone just looked around until Feliciano was fed up with it "What now brother? I can feel you from here," he says making me smile. My mom kicks me under the table making Fel look at me "He invited Alec's guest to come over for dinner tomorrow," I say and Hazel makes a quick look at me. I thought before I spoke obviously, for Kayla's sake. Plus we all know she feels the tension her and Stella, it's just funny that she hasn't really opened up about it. Kayla claps her hands and sighs "Finally... I've been wondering why my husband is always out with the twins instead of his daughter," she says making me and hazel cover our mouths. Dinner was boring after that, it was just Stella and Cole arguing the whole time as Fel and Brian talked alone with their wives.

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