chapter 17

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      We get to the infirmary at the house. Mom comes in and cuts me open "When did this happen?" she asks making me roll my eyes "When I had the twins... It was more of a risk to give birth naturally..." I say as her hands shake. She turns around and looks around at the drawers "Mom, don't worry about it i'll heal... I'm only having the twins. No more babies," I say making her open one roughly. She turns around. I see a larger needle and knew exactly what it was. Julianna's venom. We took some out in case for emergency, specifically for her.

      I try to get up but she pushes me back. She doesn't budge when I use my strength. He eyes are partially glowing. "Mom... Don't... I'll heal," I say still fighting. It's as if she couldn't hear me. She stuck the needle in and I felt everything go on fire. I wanted to rip my own self apart. She held me down as Gavin stitches me up. It felt like hours past by, it hurt more than being conscious and seeing my kids come out. I woke up drenched in water. I got up and fell immediately. It was weird, I felt different.

      My mom comes back and picks me up. "I was so scared that I lost you. I'm so sorry. I didn't know what I was thinking," she says hugging my tightly. I push her off and stand up. "You did that without knowing if i'd live? How were you doing to tell my kids about me!" I shout feeling a sharp pain escape my fingers. I look down and I see partial claws. I was stunned, this couldn't happen. Julianna was able to kill any of us easily.

      The kids follow Ingrid and Avery, I feel my blood boil. I didn't want them to see me like this. I run out and bump into Hayden. I look at him and he gasps "Baby... What happened to you?" he asks making me turn and look into a mirror.  I had veins where I never did. My eyes were red as usual but black around them. I run out and kept running until I felt no more air. I sit on the floor and examine my hands. My claw are gone finally.

      Kai shows up with Ingrid and Jasmine

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      Kai shows up with Ingrid and Jasmine. I burry my head into my knees as I feel them come closer "The twins were asking about you... Hayden and your parents took them to the park," Jazz says making me pick my head up. They smile at me "Your mom told us what she did... We still love you," Ingrid says touching my knee but I move slightly. I stare ahead of me and try to get use to my new ability to smell everything I wasn't able to before. I snap at Ingrid when she moved and she dodged away quickly "Talk to us Haze... What are you thinking about?" Kai asks.

Jazz has her head on his shoulder. Everything seemed perfect, just like I imagined my life would be. Single, childless, and happy. I sigh and lay my head on my knees "Did you ever think i'd find my mate? Have kids? Become a Tribrid?" I ask making their eyes widen. I laugh "Yeah... I can feel my moms genes kicking in now that i'm a werewolf and vampire," I say making them give me a questioning look. I mean I could be a tribrid but anyone can be a hunter to an extent. I just don't feel like i'm a vampire anymore, I don't feel that strength or the ability to heal and turn off my emotions.

Ing sets closer to me "Let's be honest Haze... No one expected you to become anything. We always saw you as the powerhouse and protector of the family. That you were next in line to become a superior to our kind," she says making scoff at her. I was never next in line, it was either her or Kai. Well now mainly her since Kai is classified as a Hunter born Vampire. I needed answers but the only one who knew about this was Julianna and Mikayla. I tried to remember every conversation that I blocked out when they were together. They were always at each other throats. Until I remember a guy named Blake come into the picture when I was fourteen. He was her age, spoke Latin sometimes but his energy was off. She was totally head over heels in love with the kid. It was annoying.

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