Chapter 1

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      Julianna's Diary:

      I couldn't get over the fact that I found her. My half sister. My dad doesn't know that I know but I found her. I learned how to turn off my scent when I was thirteen before Hazel or Kai. So what I was spying on my dad, he's been very shady lately but my mom won't see it that way. She's my age too but she still looks young. Hazel and Kai stopped aging at twenty so who knows who'll remember them in twenty years.

      I told Kai and Hazel right away when I found out. Of course they didn't believe me so they came with "Woah she looks so much like each of them," Hazel says making me scoff "quiet haze, he's an older vamp he can hear pass the noise," Kai says making me scoff. I sink deeper into my chair, I don't know why i'm feeling like this. I want to meet her, we both do but dad won't allow it. Hazel grabs me and laughs "So when she comes into the picture what then?" she says making me roll my eyes "I wish she wasn't related to us she's smokin'," Liam says making Lai chuckle. Hazel kicks him "God damnit Lee, you can't say stuff like that. Does mom even know where you are?" she says making me laugh as I still watch my dad's movements.

      Kai turns around and gets a quick peek "She's four years older than you Liam, you'd have no chance," he says making Hazel giggle. My dads head turn's slightly and I bang on the table "Shh he can hear you," I say making them go quiet. I look at Liam and he looks back at me with a cheesy smile "Don't you have a human to drain?" I say making him bite his lip "I'd totally drain your half sister but she smells different," he says then disappears. Kai pays for the bill then stands up "Let's go sisters, we have training to do," he says waiting for Hazel and I to get up.

Hazel and Kai were fifteen. Julianna was thirteen. Liam was nine.

Hazel's POV:

      "I can't believe she wrote about that in her Diary" I say making Kai, Ingrid, Stiles, and Cain laugh. Kai grabs it from me and shakes his head "Can't believe she actually had a Diary," he says as I grab it from him and laugh. I had to keep reading, I probably look like a scene from a movie with the blood bag tube in between my teeth. I smelt her coming making me hide it in my secret drawer. She jumps and her eyes are purple like her moms "Okay please tell me you didn't go to school with your eyes like that?" I ask making her roll her eyes. She blinks and they're blue "Blaine said fuck you and of course we didn't," she says making us laugh.

      We all look at each other and she scoffs "okay what happened?" she says making us smile as we look at her "We met your sister today, total babe," I say making kai chuckle "She's so much more like Cole than you," he says making her look hurt. I shoot my eyes at him and he shrugs his shoulders "Liam's coming... I'll see you later," Kai says making me roll my eyes. She sits in the counter and plays with her nails, I can't believe I didn't go to college because they wanted me to keep her company. She has Ingrid and Liam, why did she need me?

      I feel myself get summoned so I leave as soon as Liam's feet touch the ground "Duty calls, see you at dinner my evil twin," I say making him chuckle. Cole and Gavin are in the office and they look at me "As much as it pains me to say this... We're gonna have to kill her," he says making my eyes go wide. I shake my head as he looks at Gavin "You can't we like her too much... and I probably shouldn't be telling you this but Julianna has known about her since they were kids," I say making their eyes go wide. Gavin looks at me with pain in his eyes "She doesn't need another sibling she has y'all... Besides we can't have a half-ling in the mix, she'll be unpredictable," he says making me scoff.

      I glare at them and laugh "You stepped down years ago. The only word that counts is mine. We do as I say until we know what she's capable of," I say making them turn their heads. They hate when I question their authority but they can't do much because i'm their brothers daughter i'm the heir to the throne. I smile at them "Look you're gonna end up getting hurt in the end, both of y'all and it's gonna be worse because you're moving them into the guest house," I say making them look at each other. Their gears were turning but they didn't know all the possible ways this could go wrong. I stand up and head towards the door "but if you need someone to kill her i'll do it," I say before leaving them alone.

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