Chapter Two - At First Glance

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Chapter Song - Kiss With A Fist by Florence + The Machine

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Chapter Song - Kiss With A Fist by Florence + The Machine

I wake to the smell of burnt toast and bacon that presumably stems from the downstairs kitchen. My parents are probably too busy chatting about work meetings to notice the breakfast spoiling before them. I sigh, contemplating whether I should haul myself out of bed or return to my blissful state of sleep. 

I begin to decide today's fate by softly shutting my eyes, yet the introduction of hurried footsteps echoing from the hallway disturbs my drifting state. They grow louder and louder and louder until they face my bedroom door. "Daisy, you're going to be late for school! Get up now!" my mum shouts.

"Yes, Mum! I'm getting up now!" I mockingly cry back, her obnoxious door knocking finally ceasing as she receives her desired answer.

I drag myself out of bed and turn towards my window, the sliver of light peeking through the gap in my curtains blinding my newly awakened eyes. Vivid memories of last night begin to pile onto my mind as I further adjust to the day's light by pulling open my curtains. 

The man. Who was he? He must think I'm a total idiot. Rightfully so after how I reacted like a total idiot last night.

I try to preoccupy myself with other thoughts such as my list of school assignments as I shuffle into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, failing to shake the night's events off of my skin. Not long passes before I make my way downstairs to face the frantic sight of my parents trying to organise themselves before they head off to work. 

I quickly eat my too crispy toast and am met with the hurried goodbyes from my mum and dad before running upstairs to get dressed. I throw on a white dress that's embellished with the appearance of dainty pink flowers and leaves and scramble to locate my school books.

 "Ah! Found you!" I announce happily, thoroughly pleased with myself as I stare at the school books kicked behind the chair, sneakily tucked in the corner of my room. 

I assemble myself and walk out the front door to see my best friend - Leo - lounging in his car as he lazily chews on a piece of gum.

Leo James, my best friend, my sidekick, my partner in crime. He's the most confident and sassiest person I know, plus he has the kindest heart - that's why I love him so much. Might I add that he's incredibly hot, his full knowledge of this fact contributing an unhealthy amount to his pride.

"Looking beautiful as always Dee, ready to head to hell?" he asks smoothly, flashing a hint of his teeth as his eyes beam with eagerness.

"As ready as I'll ever be Leo," I reply, a soft smile emerging onto my face. "Are we picking up Miles?"

"You bet we are girl! Gosh, I've missed him so much. I'm going to have to break the news about how I can't go longer than a week without him!" he exclaims, driving down the road, his eyes fixated in front. 

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