Chapter Twenty Nine - Graduation

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Chapter Song - Seventeen Going Under by Same Fender

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Chapter Song - Seventeen Going Under by Same Fender

Graduation. One of the most important days in a teenagers life, or a persons life in general.

It's the most exciting, nerve wracking, bittersweet moment us teens go through. Right now i'm smack bang in a pool of nerves.

See, I would be more excited if it wasn't for the one tiny thing standing in my way. That being the valedictorian speech I have to give in a few hours. I'm not to bad with public speaking, but speaking in front of everyone in my year level. Yeah, no thanks.

Oh, and to make it worse, my mum can't make it to my graduation. But my dad stayed, they had a huge argument about it the other night, though dad said he wouldn't miss it even if he lost his job.

I wish my mum had done the same, but I can't blame her for being more career orientated than family orientated. It's just who she is, I know she loves me, but I can't change her focuses. 

"What if I trip? What if I drop my diploma onstage? Oh my god, what if I didn't pass and I don't get my diploma and get laughed at by the entire school?" Miles rambles, his nerves bubbling out of him as I chew on my nail trying to conceal mine.

I sigh at his crazy situation. "You won't trip and you won't drop your diploma," I say firmly, grasping his shoulders. He nods, inhaling and exhaling. 

"Right," he huffs, then turns to me with a kind smile. "I can't wait to here your speech, I just know it's going to make me cry like a baby," he says with a smile, nudging my shoulder.

I can. I'm fine on the outside but my brain is imploding like its dooms day. What if people think it's stupid or it's not 'inspirational' enough? I mean, this is a big moment not just for me, but for everyone in my entire cohort. 

"Daisy!" Leo's voice booms down the hallway. "Calm down! I can feel your stress from down here!" Leo shouts from down the hallway, the line of students in between starring at him with either amusement or confusion.

Is Leo telepathic? Because how in the world did he know I was stressing out. Oh wait, he's my best-friend and basically my brother, of course he knows. Silly me. 

I narrow my eyes at him and turn back to Miles, the two of us falling into a faint conversation on how nervous we are, how nervous we are and, oh, how fucking nervous we are.

I'm so fucking nervous if you couldn't tell. 

"Students!" A teacher calls out to all the lined up senior students and begins leading us out down the halls and into the chairs in the main hall. All of us seated alphabetically. 

I turn around and spot Leo and Miles parents seated where all the other parents and my dad sitting next to Miles' mum. I wave over and he waves back enthusiastically, his eyes crinkling at the sides. 

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