Chapter Twelve - Confrontation

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Chapter Song - Ain't No Rest for the Wicked by Cage The Elephant

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Chapter Song - Ain't No Rest for the Wicked by Cage The Elephant

Today has been stressful

Ever since I woke up, I was hit with a wave of stress. Starting with my mum who was panicking because she didn't have all the ingredients for dinner and then she was pacing around the entire house until she ran into the fridge. That snapped her out of her stress wave. 

Now currently, while I'm at school, she's cooking, cleaning and panicking. She even told me to clean MY room. I mean, I know it's messy, but it's not THAT bad. 

Okay, thats a lie. I did trip on one of my shoes this morning and cracked my glasses. So I guess it's just a tad messy. It's really just been a terrific morning. 

But now I'M also stressed because one: Damien and Jacques are coming over for dinner, in my home and my parents will be there. So, thats one thing and secondly Leo's game is tonight, which normally I would be super excited about. Which I am, don't get me wrong, but it's against Trents school and some of his friends are on the opposing team, so he's bound to be there. 

So thats fun.

Now currently i'm in math class, which is dragging on for centuries. Why are math teachers always so boring? Like never mean, never bad, just boring. 

"Alright class, turn over to page 56 and complete questions one to nine. If you don't finish them in todays lesson, I expect you to finish them for homework and I will check them in tomorrow's lesson." Mr Geralds slow monotone voice echos throughout the dead silent classroom.

I start working on the questions - which of course have multiple 'abc' parts to them. My hand starts to get achy from all the writing as we near the end of the lesson and I breathe a sigh of relief when the beautiful sound of the loud bell rings throughout the school.

 It's the end of the day. Finally.

I walk out the classroom and down the hallway, stopping at my locker to grab my books, when I sense a large frame from behind me. I turn around to meet the grey eyes of Damien. Gosh he was handcrafted by the universe, wasn't he?

"Hey Daisy," He says, smirking down at me.

"Hey," I say with a smile, before turning back around to grab the rest of my books and also to cover my light blush. 

"So, what time do you want Jack and I to come around tonight?" Damien says casually, leaning his left arm up on the locker beside mine. Gosh darn, thats way to attractive. Contain yourself Daisy, just act casual.

"Uh, well Leo's basketball game starts at 8:30pm, so probably around 6pm? If thats okay with you guys?" I say, closing my locker and turning to face him.

"Yeah, thats all good with us," He says smiling down at me. His smile is quite incredibly gorgeous, and there's no doubt he could one hundred percent be a model if he wanted to.

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