Chapter Seventeen - A Fighter

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Chapter Song - The Prowl by Dan Auerbach

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Chapter Song - The Prowl by Dan Auerbach

My eyes flutter open as the bright morning sunlight pours in from the window. I look over and see Daisy, still well and truly fast asleep, my arms now tightly wrapped around her abdomen. 

She stirs around for a few seconds before she stops, her position now right against my chest - not that I mind, I'd rather have her close to me. 

I lift my hand from my side and wipe some of her chestnut brown hair out of her face, lightly brushing over her cheek with my finger.

I stare at her, as the sunlight glimmers over her face - my eyes drift down to her slightly parted strawberry coloured lips. She looks so at peace. 

She's the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on and I can tell she doesn't believe that - but what she doesn't notice is how everyone stares at her. Kids at school, strangers on the street, her friends and me - anyone with eyes can see how angelic she is. She is the definition of 'beauty'.

She starts to move around more as her eyes flutter open, revealing her light jade green eyes.

"Morning," she rasps out, looking up at me with a small smile.

"Morning," I say a smile etching onto my face. 

"Did you sleep okay?" She asks, as she rubs one of her eyes with the back of her hand. 

Not only does she have the beauty of an angel, but she has the personality of one as well. 

"I did, did you?" I ask and she nods. How could I not have slept well with her next to me, I just had the best sleep I've had in years.

"Thats good," She says happily, leaning over to her bedside table and grabbing her phone - with my arms still latched around her. No way am I letting her go yet.

"Oh, it's only 7:02am," She says somewhat surprised.

"And?" I ask.

"I normally wake up much later than that, so it means I can lay in bed for a while longer," She says stretching her arms out.

"You mean we. We get to stay in bed longer," I correct her and she looks over at me, a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Of course," She rolls her eyes and I pinch her sides, making her let out a light squeal - before she hits my bicep.

She lays back down letting out a breath, opening her phone up and going on Instagram? I sound so old, but I only use my phone for business purposes only. Geez, I really sound like a fucking grandpa. 

She begins scrolling through random posts liking different ones and commenting on a few. 

"Who's that?" I point out, when I spot a post with two guys standing next to each other in matching cowboy costumes.

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