Final Chapter - A Start of a New Beginning

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Chapter Song - Only Angel by Harry Styles

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Chapter Song - Only Angel by Harry Styles

"Just breathe," Damien's calming voice interrupts my nervous pacing, my fingers playing with each other as I bite my lip tightly. 

I stop in front of him, the nerves bubbling all through my body. "I'm just so nervous, what if they say no?" I ask, running my hands through the ends of my hair, seeking any sort of comfort. 

He grabs my hands and rubs his thumb over them. "They'd be stupid...bastards if they did," He says, hesitating so he doesn't curse. 

I sigh, closing my eyes briefly. "I just can't help it, my mind is going haywire,"

My mind is going in circles, a million thoughts are swarming everywhere in my mind, turning everything into a haze. I'm surprised there's even any room left in my brain from all the overthinking thoughts that consume it daily.

 I pace in front of Damien, inhaling and exhaling deep breaths to calm my erratic heart. He grabs my waist and pulls me down on to his lap. "Hey, in there," he says, lightly knocking on my fore head. "Stop making her so fucking stressed," He says seriously and I burst out laughing.

"Idiot," I shake my head with a smile.

I lean back into his comfort, my head relaxed on his shoulder, before the ding of a notification rings out around my room. I leap off his lap like it's a hot potato and dart towards my open laptop. My hand runs over the mouse and refreshes the page, the Columbia University email popping up. 

I breathe, closing my eyes and then click on the new email.

Dear Ms Miller,

Congratulations! Columbia University has accepted your application...

I read the first few words and I instantly jump up with a squeal. "I did it!" I shout.

"Told you," Damien smirks and I jump on him, wrapping my arms around his neck tightly.

All those late nights, stress and work has all paid off because I got into Columbia University, the school I've dreamed of attending since I was twelve. Thank goodness, because I did not have a plan B. Only plan A, because if you have a plan B, than your first plan tends to fail. 

I think I heard that from a movie, not to sure though. 

"Wait, what about you?" I ask, turning to Damien, concerned whether he's applied to other schools or is going somewhere else. What if he stays here? What if he goes to another school across the country or moves back to Italy. 

I didn't even think about the chance of that happening. 

"I have an apartment in New York, you'll live there with me," He says and my eye brows shoot up to the sky. Never-mind then.

"What," I say, processing his words. Move in with him. Move in with him in New York.


"I'm not letting you live in gross co-ed dorm, you'll live with me and its close by," He says and I nod, as if he didn't just spring everything on me just then. 

I don't mind, i'd rather not share a bathroom with a heap of other people. Disgusting. 

"So, what will you do?" I question, sitting back on his lap, my arms draped loosely around his neck.

He arches his brow. "I have a business and mafia, what do you think?" He asks rhetorically, smiling at me mischievously. 

I roll my eyes. "I was just asking, you could do something different," I exasperate. 

He smiles. "Nope, you're stuck with me i'm afraid," he shrugs.

"Yay," I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes and he pinches my waist rolling me over, so he's now hovering above me.

"Do you want to repeat that?" He asks, a slight tilt to his head.

I bite my lip to contain a smile. "No," I respond cheekily.

He stares at me before he pushes his lips on my mine firmly, his legs pushing in between mine and I gasp at the sudden movement. He kisses my lips again, before lightly trailing over my cheeks, then slowly down to my neck.

"That tickles, stop," I whine, though it's muffled with laughter. 

"Nope," he smirks as he sucks on my neck, leaving wet open mouthed kisses.

He pulls back with a smile, his eyes softer than usual as he stares down at me "I love you," He says and I bite back a smile.

"I love you too," I respond and I reach up and pull his lips against mine. 

I don't know what my life would truly be like without him. Probably the same old - boring, simple and i'd still be stuck in my safety bubble of comfort and no adventure. No passion.

If you told past Daisy months ago she'd gotten into her dream college and has the hottest boyfriend and is moving in with him to New York after the summer, i'd laugh in your face. 

But I am, and life couldn't be any better. Its perfect...


Anonymous POV

I lean on the moist grey wall, drips of water splattering on my shoulder. Where the fuck are they?

My foot tapping on the concrete floors echos throughout my cell, the distant groans and snores of the other inmates heightening my impatience to get out of this fucking prison once and for all. 

"Sorry boss," One of my men, disguised as a prison guard, apologises as he reaches my cell, the dangle of his keys clashing as he rushes to unlock my cell.

He's lucky I don't have a fucking weapon in my hand, because I would gouge his eyes out then and there, the shoot him with mercy in the fucking head for his incompetence. 

I'll just do it once i'm out of this god damn prison. And his fucking daughter, god I'm sick of hearing about his goddamn 7 year old daughter. Like I give a fuck about children.

"Hurry up," I spit. The cell door unlocks and he opens it, then rushes me through the dark grey halls. The prison is dark and quiet as its the middle of the night. We reach one of the emergency exits and he pushes it open and I meet two of my most trusted men, who are waiting in prison security guard uniforms, a running car behind them.

"Boss," They nod sharply and I walk over to the car, hopping into the passenger seat followed by the two other men. No time to waist.

"Go," I order and Troy, my right hand man starts driving, leading us out the prison facilities and onto the main highway. 

Finally i'm fucking out of that prison, and for what? Killing my wife. So what? She was a slut and whore anyways, always nagging me to spend time with our children.

That reminds me, my children. My boys

They're one of the reasons I was in that damn prison for so fucking long, I can't wait to take back whats mine and make there lives living hell. 

My other right hand man Michael hands me my main belongings, wallet, keys and other shit I had on me when I was taken in. I yank my wallet from his grasp and open it, a picture of my two boys aged 7 and 9.

Jacques and Damien. 

Now just to find them. I know them well, they won't be easy fuckers to find and once I do find them...

Well lets just say, it'll be like christmas for me and hell for them.

To Be Continued...

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