Chapter Sixteen - Traitor

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Chapter Song - Devil's Gonna Come by Raphael Lake & You Put A Spell On Me by Austin Giorgio

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Chapter Song - Devil's Gonna Come by Raphael Lake & You Put A Spell On Me by Austin Giorgio

I'm pissed. Real fucking pissed

"Damien," Jack says from beside me in my office.

"Are you sure?" I say firmly, turning around to face Jack.

"Yes, I saw Eli talking to Andre Costanzo," Jack says, repeating what he's told me a million times in the past 10 minutes. After he ran through the door panicking from his quick trip down to the gas station.

"Fuck," I grit out, running my hand through my hair.

Eli, fucking Eli. I thought I could trust that son of a bitch, now I'm not to sure. Him talking to Andre Costanzo, without me knowing? Thats really fucking low and incredibly suspicious. 

"What do we do?" Jack asks, a hint of worry in his voice.

"Nothing. We do nothing," I say leaning back on the side of my desk, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What do you mean do nothing?" Jack says confused.

"Eli doesn't know you saw him talking to Andre and we don't know why he was. For all we know it could be because they bumped into each other and they were quarrelling," I say, somewhat not believing myself.

"It didn't look like that," Jack mutters.

"Yeah, well we don't know what they were talking about. But we have leverage, they don't know you saw them, so that puts us at an advantage," I say, sitting in my brown leather office chair.

"What if Eli is a mole though? Working against us for who knows how long?" Jack asks, leaning forward in front of me at my desk.

"Then I'll kill him," I say monotonously. But if he's a mole, thats what happens. He knows that, Jack knows that, everyone in this business knows and it's not a quick death for a traitor, thats for sure.

"Just keep close tabs on Eli, okay?" I order and he nods, walking out of my office.

I lean my head into my hands, letting out a large sigh of frustration. I swear he better not be a mole, Eli has been one of my most trusted men. But this, talking to Andre Costanzo - leader of 'The Vipers' a big gang in Chicago. Dangerous and incredibly violent might I add, is fucking bullshit.

I've been keeping track of them for a while, after they killed my uncle a few years ago. They tend to attack smaller gangs, but have been upping there game, coming after shipments and drug trades for my mafia. I know they're planning something, its just I don't know what.

I stand up from my seat, walking out of my office and meeting Jack at the front door. I grab my bag before walking out the front door, Jack bolting past me and getting into my car. 

Fucking weird ass. He should be one of the wonders of the world, he's so...weird. Jack and I finally get to school - it always feels like centuries with Jack babbling away in the car. 

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