Chapter Twenty Four - Hell Week

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Chapter Song - Breath Of Life by Florence + The Machine

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Chapter Song - Breath Of Life by Florence + The Machine

Study. Study. Study.

Thats all i've been doing for the past, well year, but specifically the past two weeks. 

I've done nothing but study, whether its re-writing notes, looking at my flashcards, Quizlets, any form of study, i've done it. Also i've been studying everywhere, at home, at Damien's, at school, at lunch, at work, at Leo's, at Mile's, at cafes. Everywhere.

Why all the studying you may ask? Great question.

It's because the most dreaded week any high school student has to endure. 

Exam week.

I know, terrifying. 

But I'm determined to get A's on all my exams, get a high G.P.A - preferably a 4.0, but thats besides the point. Kind of.

I know all this studying is probably not good for me and is doing more harm than good. But whenever I try to go back to studying, I get dragged - physically dragged - away from my textbooks. If I take a break, I also tend to get stressed and go back, thinking i'm going to forget everything I studied.

"Daisy!" Miles yells in my ear, snapping me out of my concentrated state.

"What?!" I yell back.

Miles huffs before nodding his head to the waiter, "Oh, sorry," I say sheepishly to the young cafe waiter.

"All good," He smiles "What would you like?" He asks, his white notepad and pen ready for my answer.

My eyes quickly dart down to the menu "Uh, just a chocolate croissant and latte," I ask politely and he nods scribbling it down on his notepad.

"Be right back," He smiles, then walks off.

I watch him go back behind the front counter at Mile's mum's cafe, then turn my gaze back to a frustrated Miles.

"You know, when I invite my friend for a coffee, I expect her to talk to me and not study," He says sarcastically, leaning forward on his folded forearms.

I chuckle awkwardly "I only glanced at my textbook," I answer sheepishly.

"Daisy. We arrived here and you sat down, opened your textbook and for the past 10 minutes you've been studying," He softens.

I sigh "I know, I've been trying to take a break, I'm just so stressed. And I want my grades to be perfect," I say.

"I know you do and you will. How could you not, you've already been chosen as our classes valedictorian and you've gotten straight A's for all of high school," He says and I nod my head.

"I know, but what if-" I begin, but he cuts me off.

"Enough," He says firmly and I nod, closing my Biology textbook, note books and placing my other stationary back into my bag.

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