Chapter Seven - Drifting

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Chapter Song - Angel Of Small Death & The Codeine Scene by Hozier

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Chapter Song - Angel Of Small Death & The Codeine Scene by Hozier

The weekend flew by, as it always does, to my sheer disappointment. Although it's not like I really did anything different, and just kept to my usual routine of working and studying - as always. 

Maybe Leo was right, but I won't tell him that.

As Monday rolled along, I shuffled through the hallways of the school. The beige coloured lockers adorned with small dents, old stickers and gum cover the sides of the hallways. I squeeze my way through the hundreds of students making their way to class, occasionally bumping shoulders with someone. 

Finally, I make it to my last lesson - English. I walk in and take my usual seat at the back, eagerly waiting for Damien. I haven't seen him yet, but I assume he skipped classes or his classes were just far away from mine. 

Damien still hasn't shown ten minutes after the bell rings. I mean yes, he's late to every class, but never normally this late...


"Maybe he just has a cold or he has the stomach flu. James Wilder had it just last week, he could've caught it from him?" Miles says, standing next to me at the lockers while I grab my books for the day.

It's now Thursday and Damien still has not shown his face at school. I mean why am I even concerned? It's not like we're friends..well actually, I'm not sure what we are. 

"You're probably right Miles. Where's Leo-" I say before none other than Leo comes walking down the hallway - head held high like he owns the place, I mean he kind of does as captain of the basketball team.

"Hey Bitches! Miss me?" Leo says with a smile on his face, showing off his pearly white teeth.

"Of course we did Leo, what would we do without you? Except maybe have some peace and quiet for a change," Miles says looking up to Leo with a smirk on his face.

"You're lucky I love you, Miles," Leo says with a straight face, but I can see the amusement swimming in his eyes. "Any sign of Damien?" Leo asks, turning to look at me.

"Nope," I say popping the 'p', and closing my locker.

"Hm, maybe he's sick? You should go take care of him," Leo says with a sly look, nudging my shoulder with his. 

"Oh my god, Leo," I say rolling my eyes at him.

"What?" Leo says 'innocently' but with a massive grin on his face.

Shoving Leo away from me, the couple disappear down the hallway to class and shortly after the bell rings. I turn on my heel to head towards my class. 

Walking down the hallway, I keep my eyes trained on the white tiled marble flooring as I shuffle through the crowds of kids on my way to class. 

Suddenly colliding into a wall, I look up meeting with those familiar icy blue eyes. Eyes I've been longing to see all week. I guess I didn't collide into a wall then. 

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