Chapter Six - Revelations

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Chapter Song - Bang Bang Bang Bang by Sohodolls

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Chapter Song - Bang Bang Bang Bang by Sohodolls

Friday nights. A night that typically tends to be either amazing or boring - no in between. 

If you're someone who parties or goes out on Friday nights, then you'd generally have a pretty wild time in my eyes. But for someone like me - a self-proclaimed introvert - Fridays are even better than the ones the partiers experience, they're like heaven! 

To me, a Friday night symbolises a whole night to myself without the worry of school the next day or homework to frantically complete. Just pure downtime.

Despite my usual liking of Fridays, this one was going way too slow for my liking. I'm currently in physics with Miles, which today is all about the process of circular motions rather than the experiments we both mainly signed up to partake in. I've had to give five nudges into Miles' ribs when he's seeming to inch closer to sleep.

The bell for lunch rings after what feels like centuries, with Miles and I heading straight to the cafeteria with eyes already less heavy than they were in the lesson. 

We find Leo waiting at our table with his two trays full of food once we enter the hall. Yes, two trays, and he normally eats whatever Miles and I can't finish on the side. It's actually insane how much this dude eats on a daily basis. 

Miles and I put our bags down on our chairs and head to the back of the food line. I eye the Mac 'n' Cheese like it's my prey as it sits patiently for me further down the line. Once we've got our lunch we return back to Leo who has already finished one tray full of food - basketball players, am I right?

Ten minutes deep into lunch, where we three are currently chatting about Miles' very elaborate hair routine, a large figure plops down on the chair beside me, and his smell once again envelopes my senses.

"Afternoon love," his deep voice runs through my ears, I shift my body so I'm facing him, meeting his piercing icy blue eyes. 

"I- afternoon Damien," I initially say with confusion before I see the admittingly dreamy boy before me and smile. He smiles back, his cheeks cutely dimpling.

"I like your smile, you should smile more often," I teasingly say, knowing how he obviously likes to keep his gruff exterior.

"Thank you," Damien replies smoothly, his eyes narrowing and his lips smiling to play along with my teasing. "Your's is prettier though," His last comment is a whisper only I can hear, and I stare back at him with an absolutely charmed expression - damn, this boy is good.

"Why hello Damien, your company is surprising," Leo says interrupting our sweet exchange, leaning forward on the table with determination. 

"Surprising?" Damien says confused, raising a brow and leaning back into his chair.

"Yes, surprising," Leo says, acting like Damien understands what he just said.

"Right. Anyway, why has thou chosen to sit here?" Miles says questioning Damien, but in Shakespeare - why do my friends do this?

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