Chapter Twenty Six - Christmas

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⚠️TW: Mentions of domestic abuse

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⚠️TW: Mentions of domestic abuse

Chapter Song - It's Been a Long, Long Time by Harry James

Christmas. The best time of year.

The air is chilled and crisp, yet filled with jolly cheer. Christmas is my absolute favourite and it never fails to make me happy. 

Even though my parents are both away in sunny California on business. I mean seriously during Christmas? But i'm not going waste my time fretting over it.

"Jingle bells, jingle bells," Leo sings as he lays on my bed, his feet swaying to the rhythm. 

I chuckle, as I continue cleaning my overly messy room. I asked Leo and Miles to help, but Miles flew downstairs when I asked and Leo has been singing christmas songs over and over.

Not that I mind, he actually has a pretty decent singing voice. 

"What did you get Miles for Christmas?" I ask, throwing a pile of dirty clothes into my hamper.

Leo sits up, a light coat of red decorating his cheeks. And I definitely don't think that his red cheeks are from the cold air, even if we do live in Chicago. 

"What did you get him?" I smirk, sitting next to him on my bed.

He sighs. "You know how much I love him and we've been together for almost three years," he begins and I nod. 

They really are in love. If I was single i'd feel sick from the cuteness they emit from their relationship. 

"So," he pauses, obviously flustered. What in the world did he get him? "I got Miles a promise ring, or a ring," he says, avoiding eye contact.

Oh. OH. My heart might actually explode and I don't even have a will written up.

"Oh Leo," I gush. "Thats so sweet," I grab his hand and shake it crazily. 

"You think? I just- I can't imagine being with anyone beside him. So I really wanted to get something that meant I'm with him for the long run," he shrugs. 

I only ever see Leo this flustered when he talks about Miles, ever since freshman year when he admitted he had a crush on Miles. I remember his red face and trembling hands as we sat under the bleachers during gym class. He was so nervous, but I remember smirking to myself, because that same day Miles told me he had a crush on Leo.

So that year was spent with me running between the two, trying to get one to ask the other out. I should have some sort of award or thank-you from them. 

"Leo, he's going to love it," I smile and he smiles back. 

"Daisy you need to get a better range of cereals," Miles barges into my room, Leo and I's gazes snapping up. 

"What, did I miss something?" he looks between the two of us confused.

"No! Nothing, just rambling on about Daisy's gift to Damien," Leo rushes out and I glare at him for throwing me under the bus.

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