Chapter Twenty Eight - A Relief

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Chapter Song - My Prerogative by Bobby Brown

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Chapter Song - My Prerogative by Bobby Brown

Dry, dry, dry. I panic mentally as I blow softly on the wet bright purple painted nails. Not my nails though.

Damien's. *Cue evil laughter*

Will he murder me for painting his nails? Perhaps. Also why am I up at 6:47am on school Monday morning? Great question.

Today is the dreaded, yet longly awaited day we get our grades from our exams and I may or may not be stress painting Damien's nails as he sleeps peacefully, while I panic in silence.

Damien groans, rolling over, but I keep a tight grip on his hand. "I can feel the stress radiating off of you," He mumbles, his voice raspy as he opens his eyes slightly. 

"Oh, sorry," I say sheepishly, softly blowing on his thumb nail which turned put better than I thought. It's quite difficult to paint someones nails when they're sleeping, not only do u have to be quiet and gentle, yet also deal with them rolling over and potentially ruining your work. 

"It's okay," He says. "Why are up this early anyways?" He asks, half his face smushed against the pillow. His lips plump and looking way to kissable, so of course I peck him on the lips. I think the stress is making the intrusive thoughts win over my actions.

"Exam results today," I say, blowing on his index nail.

He sighs. "I see," He says, and he reaches down and pulls me on top of him.

"You'll get straight A's, if you don't, i'll make Jack change it," he smiles mischievously and I run my hand through his messy bed hair.

"Thats illegal," I say and he frowns.

"Baby, i've done worse," he chuckles. I don't even want to know.

He lays back down and goes to rub the sleep out of his eyes but pauses midway. "Why are my nails purple?" He asks and I try to contain the bubble of laughter in my throat.

"I may or may not have painted your nails while you were sleeping," I bite my lip to hide my smile.

There is silence, pin drop silence. He doesn't move one muscle or nerve, his ice eyes just stare into mine. My heart beats faster, the tension crawling up my spine as I wait for him to react. Say something, do something.

The silence lasts what feels like forever, before he grips my waist and rolls me over pinning me under him. 

"Seriously?" He asks incredulously. 

I nod, biting my lip to hold back a goofy smile. "I'm not sorry," I say with a giggle.

He rolls his eyes, then slumps on top of me, his heavy hard body completely covering me. I try pushing him off, my airway constricting as he laughs as I try to pry him off me. It doesn't work, but he does get off me once I start whacking is chest, and he laughs as I gasp for air.

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