Chapter Twenty - Healing

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Chapter Song - Dark Red by Steve Lacy

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Chapter Song - Dark Red by Steve Lacy

The first thing I feel when I wake up is a warm damp cloth on my pounding head, before the rest of the pain in my body shoots through me like electricity.

My eyes flutter open as I struggle to open them from the heavy feeling on my eyelids and the bright light shining through the window. Where am I?

"Hey," A soft deep voice rumbles through my ears.

I open my eyes fully, now use to the bright light. I look around the room i'm in, it's Damien's. How did I get here? When did I get here? How long have I been asleep?

"Hey hey hey," Damien says coming closer to me and cupping my face with his hands once he sees my panicked and confused state.

"W-what," I stutter breathlessly, sitting up in his bed. Well trying to sit up, my arms give out when I try to push my body up.

"Hey, no, let me help you," Damien says and he leans over grabbing me gently from under my shoulders and pulling me up so i'm leaning against the grey cushioned head board.

"What-," I start to ask but realise i'm in fresh clothes. Who changed me? Did I, and I just don't remember?

"Who c-changed me?" I ask softly.

"Miles and Leo," he answers brushing some hair out of my face and I nod. Thank goodness it was those two and not a random person who works for Damien.

"W-what happened?" I ask and Damien turns away from me and I see a tear slide down his face. I reach out with my hand and turn his face towards me and wipe the single tear that fell from his eye.

"I-I remember. I just don't know how I got here," I say and he gets up from the chair next to his bed and sits on the edge of the bed in front of me instead.

"Jack got sent a photo of you and he tracked the location from where it was sent. We got there and completely invaded one of there bases," He begins and I nod, listening to what he was saying. I remember the picture being taken, the bright flash. His smile.

"When I walked in, y-you were chained up by the arms and he was hitting you. I shot him and took you here, I had a doctor check up on you when you were sleeping, she said you just need a lot of rest and need help with simple tasks," He says and I nod. Silence envelopes the room, it's not awkward, just silent.

"I remember you coming in, w-well I remember blurry figures and you saying my name," I say and the side of his lip quirks up a tad.

"How do you feel?" He asks, his eyes soft and red. He's been crying.

"I can't move, every part of my body hurts and I feel sick in the stomach," I answer and he nods, picking up the glass of water next to him and a couple of pills.

"Take a sip of water," He says passing me the water, which I grab but almost drop from the weight of it. Luckily he hadn't let go of the glass, so it didn't shatter everywhere.

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