Chapter Fourteen - Undeniable Passion

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Chapter Song - What Makes You a Man by The Ninth Wave

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Chapter Song - What Makes You a Man by The Ninth Wave

"Daisy, get out of the car," Leo says annoyed, pulling on my arm to get me out of the back seat of his car. 

"I don't want to go to school, Leo," I whine from my position in the back seat and pouting my lips, which earns me an eye roll from Miles.

"Daisy, no one here wants to go to school, but we have too," Miles argues from beside Leo with his arms crossed.

"Fine," I say in defeat, letting out a dramatic sigh.

I take another breath, before grabbing my bag and standing up from the seat, closing Leo's door and trudging grumpily behind Leo and Miles.

Leo, Miles and I walk inside school, walking to our lockers, which are near each other, only separated by a few lockers. 

"Maybe you were right Dee Dee, I don't want to be here," Leo says now agreeing to my previous stubbornness of not wanting to go to school this morning, a look of worry showing on his face.

"Oh, now you agree with me," I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

If you're slightly confused as to why us three aren't particularly joyful at being at school this fine morning, it's because us three have Government, with satan's spawn; Mr Williams. And not only do we just have a lesson with satan's spawn, we have to do a presentation. Thankfully it's a group task, but still.

"Agreed, Mr Williams is probably going to continuously interrupt us during our presentation," Miles states, shutting his locker slightly harder than usual. I'd say from the mix of anger and nervousness for our first lesson.

"Most definitely," I agree, shutting my locker and leaning on it, holding my books to my chest.

"You know, maybe he'll just play candy crush on his iPhone 6, which has most definitely seen better days," Leo says optimistically. I applaud him for his optimism but we all know thats not how Mr Williams rolls, especially when it comes to us three.

The bell rings shortly after our conversation at the lockers, so us three make the brave journey to room 203; Government.

Us three walk into class and Mr Williams immediately looks over at us, a hint of amusement in his eye, causing me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion. What is this psycho up to?

"Uh oh," Leo states, when us three take our usual seats beside the large window, showing a view of the schools football field.

"What?" Miles and I question at the same time.

"Look," Leo says, a horrified look on his face, his arm raised and finger pointing in the direction of the whiteboard at the front of the classroom.

"Oh fuck," I mutter under my breath.

"That motherfucker," Miles says, but quietly so that only Leo and I can hear.

"He did not list us first to present, are you kidding me?!" Leo says irritated.

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