Chapter Twenty Three - A New Layer

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Chapter Song - Delicate by Taylor Swift 

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Chapter Song - Delicate by Taylor Swift 

"Can you see him?" I whisper shout, while I hide behind Leo's tall build looking around warily for a certain Italian god.

"No?" He whisper shouts back and I sigh a breath of relief.

Leo abruptly turns around to face me, his eyes filled with confusion. 

"Who are you hiding from Daisy?" He whispers in a concerned voice.

"Damien," I reply back and his brows furrow.

"Damien? Why? Has he done something?! Oh I swear if-" Leo rushes, his tone getting angrier and louder by the second. 

"No, shush Leo! He hasn't done anything, well he has, but not to me," I say and he just shakes his head in confusion. 

"I can't really explain, but- oh god, their he is. I gotta go Leo, see you later," I call out and run down the busy school hallway before running into the girls bathroom.

Once I get in there, I calm my un even breaths from running. I should really exercise more, but like I don't want to, so I won't. But the thought counts I guess.

"Okay, I don't think he saw you-" I begin speaking to myself.

"Daisy?" A faint voice calls out from behind me. I turn around quickly, surprised by the sudden noise.

"Oh, gosh, it's just you Millie," I say relieved. Phew, I thought it was Damien.  Why he would be in the girls bathroom I have no clue, but you never know.

"Hey," She says slightly wary from my behaviour "Are you alright?" She asks.

"Oh yeah," I say breathlessly "um actually, could you do me a favour?" I ask and she nods her head.

"Thank you, okay so you know my boyfriend, Damien?" I ask and she replies with a faint 'yes'.

"Okay, well could you pop your head out of the girls bathroom and see if he's out there?" I ask hopefully.

"Yep!" She says cheerily and I smile. I watch her walk over to the wooden swinging door and peek her head out.

"No sign of him," She says closing the door. Okay, that gives me a chance to get to class without him noticing.

"Okay, phew," I say and she looks at me confused, probably as to why i'm hiding from my boyfriend.

"Oh Millie, how was your date with Jack?" I ask and she blushes. I guess it went well.

"Oh, um, it was really good," She says shyly, tucking a piece of her black curly hair behind her ear.

"Oh, I'm so glad! Jack was really nervous and he really likes you by the way," I say and she smiles widely.

"Really?" She says slightly surprised.

"Mhm," I mumble with an enthusiastic nod. "Anyway, I better get going to class," I say kindly and she nods her head.

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