Chapter Nineteen - Gone

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Chapter Song - Black Out Days by Phantogram

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Chapter Song - Black Out Days by Phantogram

Getting home, I rush inside followed by a panicked Jack, Miles, Leo, after we dropped a confused Millie back home. 

"Get the footage," I order Jack and he nods going to grab his laptop. 

"What do you need, boss?" My men come up to me, waiting for directions.

"You two help my brother," I direct two of my men and they nod. "You two bring me every location of buildings owned by 'The Killers'," I order some of my other men as they file out of the living room.

"Damien can you please explain what the fuck is going on?! Where the fuck is Daisy?!" Leo shouts at me, eyes wide and frantic. 

"Gone. She's fucking gone," I grit out, running my fingers through my hair as I pace through my hallway.

"Gone? Where?" Miles asks panicked, but a little more controlled.

"I wish I knew, but someone fucking took her," I say continuing to pace around the foyer area.

"Do you have any idea who took her?" Leo questions, his eyes widened.

"Yeah," I say and they gesture for me to continue.

"It's a local gang in Chicago, 'The killers'. They've been bothering my men and business shit for a while now, but I didn't think they'd do something like this," I say and they nod hesitantly, unable to say anything else.

I should've expected something. Who am I to go unplanned and unprotected?

"You guys can sit down if you want. Uh, just make yourselves at home," I say, ushering them into the living room.

"Damien!" I hear Jack call out from my office and I rush in, looking straight at his laptop.

"Okay, so I got the footage and theres Daisy," He points to her standing figure as she stands there on the phone. My Daisy.

He plays the footage and we watch as a white van pulls up next to the curb in the gym parking lot and a man dressed in all black comes out from behind her and hits her on the back of the head with the holster of his gun.

I watch as her body goes limp and she falls to the ground, as another man comes out and both men lift her up and throw her in the back of the white van. They fucking threw her. Like she was nothing.

My jaw tenses and I lean my elbows on the side of my desk, putting my head in my hands. 

"Wait, Damien," Jack says and I lift my head back up.

"Look at the guys wrist," He says, pointing to the slightly blurred zoomed in image of one of the mens wrist. I know that logo. Now I know for certain who took my Daisy. 

'The Killers'.

"Did you get a hold of Eli?" Jack asks.

"Nope. He didn't fucking pick up and I have my fucking suspicions as to why," I grit out.

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