Chapter Eight - In Absentia

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Chapter Song - Secrets And Lies by Ruelle

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Chapter Song - Secrets And Lies by Ruelle

I'm walking through the crowds of chatter and bustling people all hurrying towards their classes. Bumping shoulders with random people, muttering quick 'sorry's' as I pass by them in a hurry to get to my next class. 

In a swift harsh movement, I'm suddenly pulled out of my thoughts, as I feel this cold hand grip around my waist firmly and pull me into a dark room. A dark room I don't think I've ever been in before. 

Though I don't care, because all I can concentrate on is him. 

I look up, meeting his fierce gaze, his icy blue's boring into my green eyes. Damien's hands, which previously had a firm grip around my waist, are now caressing my cheeks. I feel my face burn up, yet I don't stop him when he pushes his lips onto mine. 

It feels like an explosion of emotions, the feelings of love, lust, and need hit me all at once, yet he's still so gentle. My lips part giving him access as his tongue slips into my mouth. Our tongues fight for dominance but he quickly overpowers mine. I feel his lips move up to form a smile as he hears me sigh underneath my breath.

 All of a sudden he starts to move his hands towards unbuckling my jeans, his movements smooth yet fast. He pulls his mouth from mine and starts softly trailing kisses down my neck, he plants kisses all around my neck until a soft moan leaves my mouth and I can feel his smirk on my neck as he knows he found my spot. He continues kissing that spot...

"I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want! So tell me what you want, what you really, really want!" he says, sounding husky.

What- Is that?

I snap awake in my bed, my 'Wannabe' alarm blasting through my phone. I tap my alarm so the stupid song will stop playing.

I should really change my alarm, but honestly have no clue how to. I'm never letting Leo touch my phone again.

Wait- Hold on. Did I just dream about Damien? 

And why am I disappointed that it was only a dream?

I pull the covers off of me, letting the warmth that had engulfed me leave free from under the covers. I walk down the hallway to the bathroom, brush my teeth, run my hands through my hair and splash my face with water. Trying to wash the remnants of my dream off of me, even though it was a dream; I can't wash it away.

If only you could scrub your brain of horrid memories or that random spell Dumbledore does to rid himself of memories he hates. I need that. 

I walk downstairs, turning the TV on and making my way to the fridge and pour myself a glass of orange juice. Chugging down the glass of orange juice, I wander over to the pantry grabbing the half filled box of cheerios and pouring myself a bowl, when I notice a note from my mum left on island bench.

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