Chapter Eleven - Jealousy, Jealousy

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Chapter Song - Fire Breather by LAUREL

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Chapter Song - Fire Breather by LAUREL

Today is already a shit day. So, in turn, I thought it couldn't get any worse - I was wrong. 

Today they're serving 'Sloppy Joes', which are actually disgusting. Because first of all, the "beef" will get on my face, clothes and hair. Secondly, I have zero clue whats actually in it, because I for one sure know it's not "beef". 

"What do you want?" the lunch lady asks impatiently. Geez, who peed in her cereal this morning?

"I'll take the Caesar salade," I say with a toothless smile and she hands me the white ceramic bowl with lettuce and other ingredients. I continue moving down the line, also grabbing a fruit bowl, before I get to the register. 

"That'll be $10.72 cents," the other lunch lady at the register says to me and I hand her a twenty. 

"Keep the change, looks like you need it," I say eyeing her up and down, before walking to my table. Could be seen as mean or rude, or constructive criticism. Either way, I don't care how she takes it.

"Hey B," my best friend Mae greets me, when I sit down at our table.

"Hey, you got the Caesar salade too," I say with a small smile, noticing her identical tray to mine. 

"Duh, no way was I getting the sloppy joe, disgusting," she's says, pretending to 'gag'.

"It actually looks like vomit, and smells like it to," my other friend Courtney says, taking a seat in front of me and I nod my head in agreement. "Also, looks like Damien and Daisy are on good terms again," Courtney adds on and I look up to see Damien sitting with Daisy and her friends a few tables across the cafeteria.

"Ugh whatever, he'll get bored of her soon enough and he'll come crawling to me" I say, shrugging a shoulder.  

What? It's true. I'm hot, Daisy's not.

"You know, maybe you can just 'ask' her to back off. I mean just a little intimidation won't hurt her," Courtney says with a sly smile.

Mae nods. "I think thats a great Idea, just let her know whats your's," Mae agrees with Courtneys idea. 

They have a point. I mean she can't be that hard to scare, she's 5'5 and probably has the scare factor of a deer.

"Why not." I agree.

I look back over at their table and see Damien twirling a piece of Daisy's hair in his finger. God,  what the hell does he even see in this girl? She wears dresses down to her knees, is as quiet as mouse, reads for fun - I mean what makes her so special?

 God,  what the hell does he even see in this girl? She wears dresses down to her knees, is as quiet as mouse, reads for fun - I mean what makes her so special?

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