Chapter Ten - Deeper Insight

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Chapter Song - Magick by The Preatures

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Chapter Song - Magick by The Preatures


I groan rolling over in my bed, blocking my ears with my pillow from the small annoying noise coming from who knows where.


What the hell is that?


I sit up in my bed, looking around my room to see what on earth could be making that small noise. I glance onto the floor to see Miles and Leo deep asleep, the only noise coming from them is Leo's small snores.


Again! Where is that noise coming from?

I get up from my bed, quietly moving around my room to see where it's coming from. I step over Miles' head - slowly p to not wake him. I do NOT need a cranky, sleep-deprived Miles, it's literally the worst.


I look behind me when I hear another tap in the direction of my window, noticing thats where the mysterious noise is coming from. I quietly make my way to my window as fast as I can, walking on my tiptoes. I get to my window and notice small little scratches on the glass?

What in the world?

I kneel on the cushioned window ledge and glance over, looking out the window. I look down and see...Damien?

I see him standing on the grass, with a leather jacket on and a small handful of pebbles in his hand. So that's what the noise was. Pebbles.

Why is he throwing pebbles at my window? And at this ungodly hour of the morning?

He sees me glancing out the window and smiles, then signals for me to lift my window up. I flip the latch and slowly slide up my window. The cool morning air gushes in, touching my exposed skin and giving me goosebumps. 

"Good morning, love," he says with a small smile on his face.

"Good morning, Damien," I reply back quietly with a small smile wiped over my face. "Is there a reason for you to be throwing pebbles at my window at-," I glance at Leo's apple watch on his wrist. "5:04 am in the morning?" My voice slightly raising from shock, I didn't realise it was that early. 

"Yes, there is a perfectly good reason, but I'll only tell you once you're dressed and down here," he says smirking, putting his hands in the pockets of his black leather jacket. 

I raise an eyebrow in suspicion. "Are you taking me somewhere?" I question.

"Maybe, but you're gonna have to come down here to find out," he says, still with that smirk on his gorgeous face.

"Fine. Give me 10 minutes," I huff.

He nods in reply and I swiftly close my window, still trying not to make any noise. I walk to my side table and quickly lookup today's weather, it says it's going to be slightly chilly today. 

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