Chapter Eighteen - An Escort

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Chapter Song - Love On The Brain by Rhianna

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Chapter Song - Love On The Brain by Rhianna

"Yes!" Miles screams in my ear as he accepts Leo's promposal.

Yes. It's that time of the school year. Prom. Well only for my school, we do our prom earlier in the year, so we have more time to focus on our end of year exams. 

But promposal's have been popping up left and right. My stupid ass accidentally ended up between a couple during there promposal while trying to get to my locker. They weren't to happy, but it's not my fault I had to get to my locker.

Miles and I have been non-stop talking about prom, to the point where I think we're driving Leo insane. Miles, being the fashion lover and icon he is has been planning his prom outfit since last year and from the powerpoint presentations he's showed me, it looks fabulous. 

Recently though he was getting a little worried Leo wasn't going to ask him to prom, but Leo actually had a big promposal planned. Which I helped with, thank you very much.

But good news Leo finally got the courage and prom-posed? I don't know, but he did and now I have a screaming Miles in my ear.

Leo's extravagant plan - that I helped with - is at the end of his basketball game he would have each of his teammates hold up a large piece of card with a letter on it which when they are standing in the right order, spells out 'will you go to prom with me?' And Leo stands right in the middle of the court with a singular red rose. Miles loves roses, by the way.

And if you couldn't guess Miles said yes, hence the now loud high pitch ringing in my ear. 

I watch as Leo runs up the couple of steps into the bleachers, where Miles and I currently sit a few benches back from the court. Leo jogs up to Miles grabbing his face and attaching his lips to Miles's, engulfing him a firm romantic kiss. Everyone in the crowd watches in 'awe' and I spot some of Leo's team mates high five each other.

Well I mean not everyone at this game is in 'awe', some are looking at the two love birds in disgust, but those homophobic shits can fuck off. I wish people would just let others love who they want, but sadly we don't live in that ideal world.

Leo quickly runs back down to the court as the game comes to an end. He goes back to his team and they leave the court heading to the change rooms as the crowd begins to disperse.

I turn my attention back to Miles, who's face is as red as tomato.

"I may cry out of pure joy," He says starring off into the distance.

"If you do, I have tissues in my bag," I say with a smile.

"You do? You're like my grandma," Miles mutters and I roll my eyes.

"Come on, lets go meet Leo," I say, as Miles and I walk down from the bleachers and towards the locker rooms. 

After our short walk nudging through the busy crowd trying to exit the building, Miles and I arrive at the entrance of the boys locker rooms. 

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