Chapter Fifteen - A Quiet Moment

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Chapter Song - Heaven by Julia Michaels

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Chapter Song - Heaven by Julia Michaels

"Daisy," I say slyly as I lean on the locker next to hers, slightly startling her as she organises the books she needs to take home.

"Hey Damie'," She says closing her locker, looking up at me with a bright smile. That goddamn smile, It could make any person weak in the knees - and i'm that person.

Wait- What did she just call me?

"Damie?" I question with a chuckle, although my heart flutters at the nickname. 

"Yes, it's the nickname i'm giving you," She says 'matter of factly'.

"Right," I say slowly. "Are you busy after school?" I say leaning a little closer to her.

"Well, depends what you define as busy, because if you mean hiding away in my bed and watching T.V, then yes, i'm busy. But if you're going by Leo's logic, then no i'm not busy, why?" She says breathlessly, ending her little ramble.

"Well thing is, you still owe me a date," I say, standing back to my full height and leaning over her slightly, causing her breath to hitch.

I love the effect I have on her.

"Um, well no, I'm not busy," She says timidly.

"Good. I'll be at your door at 7pm," I say with a wink, giving her a quick peck on the cheek and saunter off to my class.

 I'll be at your door at 7pm," I say with a wink, giving her a quick peck on the cheek and saunter off to my class

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"Miles, Miles, Miles," I say quickly, speed walking up to Leo and Miles. Their faces contorting into one of confusion, as I hastily walk up to them.

"What Daisy?" Miles says confused, a panicked tone in his voice.

"I- oh my god. One sec," I say lifting a finger up to Miles, slouching down, leaning my arms on my knees trying to catch my breath. I should really get out more.

"Damien. Date," I say breathlessly, unable to form any proper sentences. 

"oh OH, right right. Leo. Car. Now," Miles says turning to Leo who frantically grabs his keys out of his pocket and jogs over to his car.

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