Chapter Twenty One - Bye Bitch

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Chapter Song - Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode

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Chapter Song - Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode

"I'm going," I say firmly to Damien as I stand in front of his tall demeanour, his arms folded across his broad chest as he stares down at me. My face replicating his; face deadpanned and serious as his stern eyes bore into mine.

"No," He says firmly, his eye brows slightly denting in the middle. 

"Damien, I have been resting for two weeks now!" I exasperate "I'm fine," I say with a sigh.

"No," he replies, again, in the same tone. 

"I'm going, and you're not stopping me," I say grabbing my back pack off his foyer floor and walking past his tall build.

"No," He says grabbing my arm and pulling me against his strong chest.

"Damien, even the doctor said i'm all good to go," I say looking up at him and he sighs, his grip on my arm loosening.

"Fine," He says, but he doesn't move from in front of me. Does he know that he has to move out the way for people to walk? He's not a liquid, so I can't just walk through him. Although that would be interesting and something i'd very much like to try. Thats sounds weird.

"You have to move," I say with a small smile and he rolls his eyes in response. He steps out of my way grabbing his school bag and interlocking my small hand with his larger one.

"JACK! Get your ass down here!" Damien shouts and in a matter of seconds a rushed Jack comes bounding down the stairs, stumbling on a few.

"I'm here," Jack says breathlessly, zipping up his school bag.

"Okay, lets go then!" I say happily, pulling Damien out the front door.

I'm actually quite excited to go to school. Well, not for the actual school aspect, but to get out of the house. I mean I have nothing against Damien and Jack, but when you've been stuck in an all boys house for over two weeks, you begin to go a little crazy. 

See, heres the thing, Damien is pretty neat. Folds his clothes, picks up his rubbish and mess, but Jack. Oh god. To say he lives like a racoon is the most accurate thing I could say about him. I accidentally walked into his room by accident, but I though I walked into a dumpster site and not a teenage boys bedroom. 

I'm quite surprised the two are even related. Besides them looking alike, they are very much polar opposites.

Dragging Damien to the car, with Jack followed behind us we all pile into Damien's car and head to school. I've never been so excited ever in my life to attend school, I mean its school. School sucks. 

Once Damien parks in the school parking lot, Jack speeds out of his car and through the front doors at lightning speed. Damien goes to open his driver side door but pauses once he sees i'm not moving. 

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