Chapter Twenty Two - A Bloody Sight

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Chapter Song - I'm a Wanted Man by Royal Deluxe

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Chapter Song - I'm a Wanted Man by Royal Deluxe

Wiping the sleep out of my eye, I sit up in bed, glancing at the sliver of light peeking through Damien's bedroom window. I look down, feeling a weight across my torso. An arm. Specifically Damien's arm, I look over and take in his sleepy face. 

He looks so adorable, his face slightly smushed from the pillow as he lays on his stomach. His  hair is all disheveled and his eyebrows are slightly furrowed. I move some hair away from his forehead, and drift my finger down his face, a small smile on my lips.

He begins to stir around in bed as he shifts around and then wiping his eyes, which flutter open welcoming his icy blue eyes.

"Morning," I say with a small smile and he looks over at me, his face slightly scrunched from the sunlight peeping through his window.

He looks over to me and pulls me back towards him, making me fall on top of his bare chest.

"Morning," He says with a smile and I lean down and place a kiss on his lips.

Suddenly the ring of my phone echos throughout the once peaceful room and Damien groans as he hesitantly lets me go. I stretch over to the bedside table and grab my phone, 'MOM' the caller ID reads.

"Mom?" I question, pressing my phone to my ear.

"Morning sweetie. Where are you?" She greets sharply. Weird, she's normally quite chirpy.

"Um, at Damien's," I say awkwardly and the line is silent for a second.

"I knew it," Is all she says, before continuing "anyways, your father and I are home from our work trip," She says and I nod my head even though she can't see me.

"Oh, okay cool. Um, i'll be home after school, okay?" I say, my tone slightly down as i'm going to miss waking up in Damien's arms every morning.

"Okay, see you later sweetie," She says, before hanging up.

I place my phone back on the oak bedside table and turn back over to Damien who's starring at me.

"It was my mom, my dad and her at back from the work trip," I say and he nods, before getting up and walking to the bathroom. 

He doesn't even close the door anymore when going to pee, or shower. It weirded me out at first, but i'm use to it now.

I toss the warm grey covers off my body and go to stand up when a pain stabs in my lower abdomen. I audibly groan and sit back down on the bed. Well, that gives me vivid memories from last night.

"Hey babe, you okay?" Damien asks, popping his head out of the bathroom door.

"Yep, just lower pains," I reply and he smirks. Idiot.

"It's not funny," I scold, narrowing my eyes at him.

"I didn't laugh," He says shaking his head and I roll my eyes. Whatever, he caused this.

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