Chapter Five - Pool

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Chapter Song - So It Goes

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Chapter Song - So It Goes... by Taylor Swift

Tuesday. Tuesday's are just that day in the week where nothing exciting happens and you're still recovering from Monday's chaos. It's the boring day in the week, nothing special.

I woke up with a groggy feeling in my stomach, my head pounding so hard it echoed in my mind and I wanted to just lay back down on my bed and sleep forever. 

My left cheek; face cheek, felt like it was on fire and like I got hit in the face with a brick. I, again, contemplated if I should or shouldn't get out of bed, but my grumbling stomach saying 'feed me', said otherwise. 

So slowly I crept out of my bed, having to pause with every move I made because my head would start pounding and my body would tense with pain. 

I eventually make my way to the bathroom, splashing my face lightly with some water and take a long hard look in the mirror, examining my face. To say I was thrown off by my appearance would be an understatement; I was completely gobsmacked by it.  

My left cheek was swollen and was cherry red and puffy, along with swelling. A decorative softball-size dark purple bruise with hints of green and yellow cover my cheek and makes me wince at just the sight of it. Dark circles adorn my under eye area, and remnants of blood are still clear on my cheek. 

A sight for sore eyes.

Realising my bandage has to be changed, I slowly take my old one off, slightly wincing as the sticky substance glued to my skin pinches. The skin around my stitches is slightly red, and a stinging feeling engulfs my cheek. I press my finger onto it and hiss at the pain from my touch. 

Placing a fresh white bandage on the stitched area, I grab my brush and neaten up my hair, as it looks like a bird's nest, again

I head back to my room to find a still asleep Miles and Leo. Leo still loudly snoring obnoxiously, and Miles cuddled up into Leo's side. They're so cute. 

I tip toe over to my dresser and grab some black leggings, then stealing one of Leo's hoodies since his a oversized and much cosier. I then hop into the longly awaited shower, letting the steam from the heat of the water surround me and the warm water pelt on my back, instantly making my body and muscles relax. 

After about twenty minutes I hop out of the shower, brush my hair out again and put it into two french braids. Slowly, I make my way downstairs to find Leo scoffing down a bowl of fruit loops, and Miles standing dormant at the microwave, waiting patiently like a zombie for his instant oats to heat up.

"Morning Daisy, how are you feeling?" Miles says softly once he realises I'm in the room. His hand rubs my back  comfortingly in a soft motion. 

"I've definitely felt better, that's for sure," I say with a crooked smile on my face, my voice coming out croaky.

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