Chapter Thirteen - Tension

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Chapter Song - West Coast by Lana Del Rey

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Chapter Song - West Coast by Lana Del Rey


Personally I quite like the rain, I find it calming and comforting. Some people hate rain and thunderstorms; one of those people being Leo, who bolts for any sort of shelter at the sight of a droplet of rain. 

I guess I understand how it can be annoying if you're stuck in the street and its bucketing with rain. The you get all cold and wet, which is not fun. But when your inside cozied up in a blanket, thats when I love rain and storms most. The sound of the rain hitting the roof and how the sound of all those droplets basically envelopes you.

But right now i'm bored. I've read my books, i've watched T.V, what else is there to do on a Saturday when its raining? It's not like i'm going to go out and be social. Ew.

I wonder if Damien's home? 

He could be? But what would I say? 'Hey i'm bored out of my mind, care to entertain me?'

That sounds weird.

I could ask him if he could teach me some self defence, since he knows how to fight, i've seen him fight. Surely he wouldn't mind giving me a few pointers? Or teaching me the basics? Still, he's probably busy...

No point in staring out my window like i'm in a teen indie movie, may as well go and find out. 

Getting up, I pull away the covers that were covering my legs, the warmth of the blankets now disappearing and leaving me cold. I sigh at the coolness against my legs and get up from my bed heading, over to my shoes.

I slip on my Birkenstock's, grab my phone and slip on my oversized zip up hoodie then walk downstairs and out the front door. At least it's only misty rain right now and it's not currently bucketing. Because i'm not in the mood to look like a drowned rat knocking on his front door. 

I walk across my concrete driveway and through the low flower bushes that seperate our two driveways. My mum planted them in last year and if she saw me walking through them right now, she would throw a fit. But its quicker then walking all the way around and the flowers are fine, its not like i'm actually stepping on them. 

Once I walk through the bushes I look up from the ground and see Damien in his garage-

Without a shirt. 

Wait- why does he have no shirt on? Its freezing- hold on, he has no shirt on and hear I am just staring at him oh fu-

"If you take a picture you can gawk at it later," he says smirking and leaning on the hood of his car, in all his shirtless glory. The veins on his forearms popping, from the action of leaning his arms on the edge of his car. My god. 

Why is he shirtless? That really is the main question here.

"Oh I wasn't-" I begin nervously.

"I'm just kidding," he laughs and I roll my eyes. He thinks he's a comedian, how funny

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