Chapter Twenty Five - Heaven & Hell

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Chapter Song - Style by Taylor Swift 

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Chapter Song - Style by Taylor Swift 

"Why can't I come along?" Jack whines like a goddamn child.

This kid, I swear. "Because this trip isn't for you, it's for Daisy," I scold, holding in the urge to wack the shit out of him. It's a difficult thin to keep under control on a daily basis. 

"So unfair," He whines, flopping onto the couch dramatically.

I roll my eyes at his whining. "Daisy needs this, you know she does," I tell him and he nods his head in agreement.

For three weeks Daisy was stressing out of her mind because of exams, studying and studying until she would fall asleep at her desk. She even fell asleep at lunch, that made me mad, because I fucking hate how hard she pushes herself in school.

I know it's important for her to get the best grades on all her assignments and grades, but not at the cost of her health and well-being.

Though this weekend trip should help her relax, since exams are finally fucking over and she needs to relax. So I took it upon myself to plan a surprise trip for her, she thinks she's just staying at mine for the weekend.

Not the case, I'm taking her to a secluded, quiet getaway. Somewhere Jack's nasally voice won't be. I just hope he doesn't burn the house down in the two days he's here alone.

"See you Sunday night," I call out to Jack, locking the door and throwing my duffle bag into my car, before heading over to Daisy's.

I knock on the door and her mum answers. Hm

It's not that I don't like her parents or anything, they're fine - much better than mine. But they're away way to much and it's obvious it takes its toll on Daisy. She always brushes it off and says she doesn't mind, but she's a shit liar and I see right through it. 

"Damien, hi!" Her mother greets me brightly, basically yanking me through the front door. Daisy and her mother look quite similar, they have the same face shape, hair colour and nose. But Daisy's wide eyes and bright smile are identical to her dads. 

"Daisy!" She yells up the stairs and soon enough I hear footsteps bolting down the stairs, revealing a rushed Daisy.

She reaches the bottom of the stairs and pecks me on the lips in greeting. I snatch her duffle bag from her hand and wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her into me. 

"Bye mum," she bids her a rushed goodbye, before rushing out the front door before her mum can reply. Odd.

Closing the door behind me, I meet her fast pace, but grab her hand stopping her. She turns "What?" She questions innocently.

"What was that?" I ask, her face dropping slightly.

"My parents," she sighs. "They're still not talking to each other and it's been super tense and awkward at home, but hopefully a couple of days away will change that," she finishes hopefully.

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