Chapter Nine - A Spark

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Chapter Song - Downhill Lullaby by Sky Ferreira

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Chapter Song - Downhill Lullaby by Sky Ferreira

*Beep* *Beep*

"Fucking christ," I groan into my pillow, when I hear the high pitch sound of my alarm go off.

*Beep* *Be-*

I throw my alarm across the room and slump back down into my bed, putting my face into my pillow as I try to go back to sleep. I have zero motivation to get out of bed today, especially to go to school. 

As if school matters in my life. 

I begin to fall back to sleep, when I hear loud stomps come up to my bedroom door and before I scold the rooster - that is my brother - to fuck off, he starts yelling.

"Damien! Get up sleepy head!" Jack barges through my bedroom, slamming open my door.

"Fuck off!" I yell back, throwing one of my other pillows at him, which is then thrown right back at me two seconds later.

"Get up!" Jack yells, yanking the covers off me, the cold air hitting my bare legs and back. 

"Fine," I groan in irritation, sitting up and leaning against my headboard, running my hands through my messy bed hair.

"You've got ten minutes to get dressed and eat breakfast, so chop! Chop!" Jack says clapping his hands together and leaving my bedroom.

"Fuck," I mumble, leaning my head back on my headboard. I am not in the mood to go to school. How am I supposed to react when I see her?

How will she react when she sees me?

I shake the thoughts running through my mind out of my head and make my way towards my bathroom. I splash my face with water, brush my teeth and put my contacts in, cause'  I'm fucking blind without them.

I throw on a pair of black jeans and black shirt on from my dresser and head out my bedroom door.  

Walking downstairs I'm greeted to a cereal bowl shoved in my face. "Eat." Jack says sternly.

I snatch the bowl of cereal from him and take a seat on one of the chairs at the island bench, and start eating whatever cereal Jack threw together for me. I think it's fruit loops, but I don't know, they all taste the same to me.

"You're nervous, aren't you?" Jack says to me from across the bench.

"Yeah," There's no point in lying to him, he would know, he has some sort of sixth sense and knows when I'm lying. An inconvenience in my life.

"Just talk to her," he says sympathetically.

I huff. "Yeah well, what if she avoids me and I can't talk to her," I grumble angrily, stabbing my cereal. 

"Then give her space, she'll come to you," Jack says simply, as if the situation is 'easy breezy'. 

"You know you keep saying that, but what if she just ignores me forever and leaves me," I say getting up from my seat and chucking my bowl and spoon into the sink.

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