Chapter Four - A New Side

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Chapter Song - Do I Wanna Know? by The Arctic Monkeys

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Chapter Song - Do I Wanna Know? by The Arctic Monkeys

Waking up on a Monday morning is never easy, but the weekend's events made it even more harder. Thankfully Leo and Miles left late Saturday afternoon, allowing me a good day to finish all of the homework that I had yet to complete. I spent the entire Sunday working, only going to sleep at 3 am on Monday morning. 

So yeah, let's just say this Monday is going to be a long day.

I take a deep breath and make the brave decision to hop out of the haven that is my bed. I slowly make my way downstairs, forcing myself to preoccupy my thoughts of today by deciding what I will eat for breakfast. 

I debate whether coffee is worth drinking to get through the day, but the thought of its bitter taste makes me accept that I'll just go for the 'zombie' look today. I go back upstairs wash my face, brush my hair and teeth. I put some concealer under my now very visible eye bags, to make myself seem somewhat alive. 

I chuck on a olive green spaghetti strap sundress, that reaches just above my knees; I'm a big lover of sundresses, if you couldn't tell already. After that I chuck on my white tennis shoes, grab my school bag and walk out the door just in time as Leo's red Suzuki swift rolls up into the drive way. 

I hop in the back seat and lean my head on the headrest almost falling asleep. I don't bother trying to sit in the front seat knowing Miles has already called the front seat his 'territory', and also Leo forces me to sit in the back because apparently I'm the smallest and need less leg room, even though I'm not that short and stand at an average height of 5,4 and a half. 

"Late night, huh?" Leo says in a somewhat mocking tone, his blue eyes shining through the rearview mirror. 

"Oh, you have no idea," I say struggling to keep myself awake in the back seat. 

Leo sighs. "Daisy, there has to come a day where you stop studying every night and really try to enjoy being a teenager. Like, I don't know, maybe going outside would be good," Leo tells me. 

"Are you implying I have no social life?" I say sarcastically, giving him a playful glare, the both of us knowing I have absolutely no social life what so ever.

After we pick up Miles, Leo turns the music all the way down, to my disappointment as I was really getting into the Ariana Grande 'Thank U next' song. I give Leo a puzzled look, and Miles turns his body to face me. 

"Soooo Daisy," Miles drags out slowly, while avoiding eye contact with me.

I frown. "Yes, Miles?" I reply quizzically.

 "Leo and I were wondering, about if- um- if you would-" he stumbles. 

"Omg Miles! Daisy. Miles and I would GREATLY appreciate it if you came to the football game tonight?" Leo cuts off Miles, clearly irritated.

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