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**Present Day 3 years later **

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!"

"No way man! No way am I working with her!"

"What and you think I want to work with you! Please don't flatter yourself" you scoff rolling your eyes.

"Guys please, you're both perfect for the roles that's why we picked you. And also why we didn't tell you who was else was in the movie".

"Fuck this!" Chris storms out the office phone in hand obviously about to call his agent.

"Well... this should be fun." a huge smirk plastered all over your face. As much as you hated the guy you decided it would be fun working with him again. Only because you could spend the whole time annoying him as much as humanly possible. What can you say you've changed a lot in 3 years. More than anyone else would really know.

"Okay Vee let's take 5, I'm sure Chris will calm down soon."

oh where's the fun in that.

---20 minutes later---

"Right so I've spoken to my agent and fine I'll do the dumb movie"

Chris takes the contract and signs. You had already signed after Chris' outburst. Neither of you had read the small print, your agents both assured you everything was in place so both thought nothing of it.

"Okay now that you've both signed and are committed. May I remind you this is a binding contract we're happy to inform you both that you're the main leads... and are love interests."

With that the producers leave you both in the office, speechless. You stand there a moment in utter shock then turn your head to see Chris' jaw slightly ajar and fists clenched, and with that image you burst out laughing, grabbing onto his shoulder as you can't contain your amusment. You knew you had the opportunity to make his life hell but being a love interest. This. This was going to be 10x more fun.

"This isn't funny Vee!"

"Oh but is is" you continue now grabbing your stomach from the stitch you have from all the laughing. After a good 5 minutes you finally compose yourself, Chris staring at you straight faced the whole time.

"Are you quite finished" he snaps.

"Oh calm down lover boy! This is gonna be fun." you say as you start to walk out the office swinging your hips a little more than usual. As much as you hated him you couldn't wait to push his buttons. You make your way over to your agent who you hadn't realised was already there.

"Hey sugar tits whatya doin here?" You know your agent hates being called this ever since you caught her in a club with her pants down with another man that wasn't her husband. So you now referred to her as sugars tits claiming it's her 'hooker' name.

"Vee we talked about this-" she says smirking.

"Sorry, what's up though? Why you here and wait- why is Chris' agent here?"

"Meeting room 5 mins, bring Chris too." With that you immediately turn and run down the hall to grab Chris.

"Yo capsicle, our agents are here, meeting room in 5". Before he can react you've disappeared.


"WOW! NO NOW YOUR'E SERIOUSLY TAKING THE FUCKING PISS!" This time it's you storming out the room. Maria your agent follows you out shouting behind.

"Vee it was in the contract! Remember the one you and Chris signed!" It was too late you have already disappeared and immediately grabbed your phone making a call.


"Hey little sis what's up?"

"What's up Scar!? What's up, let me tell you what the fucks up"

"Wow calm down hunny, what's happened!?"

" Well remember I told you about my new acting gig-"


"Well not only am I staring with Chris fucking Evans but I'm also his love interest and oh wait it gets better! Because of budget cuts we have to live together off set whilst we're away filming!"

Scarlett was silent a moment.

"Hello Scar you-"

"Ahahaha OMG that is priceless! Ohh Vee I'm sur-"

*Call disconnected*

You could sense the amusement in her voice. Feeling another wave of anger you huff and hang up. You're not in the mood to be lectured by your sister about how you need to me mature and how you and Chris are still being immature even though it's been 3 years since your falling out.

You head back inside the lot and are immediately greeted by Chris who shoulder barges past you hissing "you think I want this".

Oh boy, what have I got myself in for.

Authors note: sorry a bit of a boring one. Hope you enjoy!

As always any feedback is much appreciated ❤️

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