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Waking up the next morning and stretching over to realise you're actually in your own bedroom and alone. For a brief moment you completely forgot about your fight with Chris last night. Shooting up from your bed embarrassed washed over you at the thought of you actually kicking Chris' door down. Looking around to your nightstand you see your phone is on charge. Chris had come into your room long after you'd gone to sleep to return it.

Checking your phone you could see several unread messages and a few new emails. You'd gathered Chris saw the text about the 'surprise' holiday and that's why you had it back. You had every intention of cancelling the holiday after the stunt he pulled last night. You weren't even sure if you were together anymore it was all a little fuzzy.

Getting out of bed you quickly showered and changed ready to start the day. You only had today to get sorted as you were all flying out for the beginning of the press tour. Grabbing an oversized hoody you made your way downstairs to where Chris was in the kitchen making you both breakfast.

It's showtime.

Walking into the kitchen you ignore Chris' attempt at saying hello and head to the fridge to grab some orange juice, pouring a glass Chris speaks again. "So I made us breakfast. See I made your favourite."

Hmm pancakes... now they are my favourite.

Reaching over you grab the plate from him and sit down on the breakfast bar stool and begin eating in silence.

"Soo... we gonna talk about last night?"


"Come on Vee, I'm sorry... it was an honest mistake you can see why-" you shoot him a dirty look stopping him dead in his tracks. He clears his throat it's obvious he's nervous. "Well are we going to address what happened last night?" He's obviously referring to the door.


"Are we gonna discuss last night at all?" Chris moves closer to you.


"Are we broken up?" He places a hand on your shoulder, you instantly shrug it off.


"Are you just gonna keep giving me one word answers?" He just stands behind you.


"Venus, please. Just talk to me. I know what I did last night was unbelievably stupid but please you have to understand-"


"Yes please... I do trust you. Really I do it's just-"


"It's just... with everything that's happened in the past and you have a relapse before you can understand why I reacted the way I did."


"Vee please say something. Not just one word. Please just talk to me."

*sigh* you give a long pause before turning to face him once more, "no." You stand and make your way around the kitchen to load the dirty dishes into the dishwasher then begin to head back towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?"

"To pack."

Two words, isn't he lucky.

You make your way to your room and dish out your suitcase, you begin going around the room and packing the essentials you'll need for the press tour. Halfway through packing you realise most of your toiletries are in Chris' room, making your way to his room you see him also packing. Without even acknowledging Chris you walk into the en-suite grabbing the toiletries and walking straight back out. Chris notices you but decided again speaking, he knows it'll get him nowhere.

**The next morning**

It's 5am and your alarm is blaring away ripping you out of you sleep. Today is the day the press tour starts and to say your excited would be a lie. The only good thing to come out of this would be you can spend some more time away from Chris. You still hadn't spoken more than two words at a time to him. The whole journey to the airport Chris was talking none stop, about anything and everything. You knew when he was nervous because he tended to ramble on and on.

"So when we get to England we have to see Tom Hiddleston. He's been badgering us for ages to visit. Ooh and we can go get fish & chips, oh and drink British tea.... Ooh ooh and-"

"Chris!" He instantly stops talking knowing he's been rambling on. "Sorry." For the rest of the journey it's complete silence and you didn't know what was worse, him rambling on or the silence. Pulling up to the airport you both sit there for a few moments not saying a word until finally you find the courage to speak up.


"Yes sweetheart." He turns to face you placing a hand in you cheek. Placing your hand on top of his, struggling to keep it together you feel the tears beginning to fall. "I think it's for the best if we spend some time apart during this press tour."

"But you said we aren't broken up. We're still together right?" Tears now begin forming in his eyes. "Yes, we are still together Chris, but I just think we need some distance. Finding out your boyfriend still doesn't trust you... it hurts you know... I need some time." Before he can respond you get out of the car drying your eyes and grabbing your case from the trunk. The whole cast had agreed to meet in the lounge before the flight to have drink before takeoff.

Making your way into the lounge you're instantly greeted by your sister ScarJo and Lizzie. "Why hello trouble! Have you recovered from the other night?" Scarlett asks pulling you in. "Haha! Have you? You were pretty drunk sis." Laughing at each other. "I wasn't on the table dancing and singing with Robert and Sebastian."

"Oh gosh, that was so much fun!" You then feel a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and you instantly think it's Chris. You weren't sure how to respond until you hear a familiar voice. "Why hello trouble." Spinning around you see Sebastian with the biggest grin. At the party you had both finally made peace with each other and it somewhat felt normal. "Oh hey Seb! We were just talking about the other night." Sebastian moves over to give Scarlett and Lizzie a hug too. "Oh yeah you were sooo funny! We should definitely do karaoke whilst on this tour."

"Oh I'll hold you to that Stan." Giving him a wink. Chris finally joins you all after composing himself in the car. Once you'd left him alone he stayed a few moments longer to try and process how he was going to fix this. He knew he'd gone too far.

Chris POV

Once Vee had left the car I stayed back a moment trying to compose myself before making a very important phone call. Scanning through my contacts I get to a very familiar name in which I'd hope I wouldn't have to contact again.

**Calling Maria**

Maria: Hello Maria Montgomery.

Chris: Hi Maria it's Christopher. Christopher Evans.

Maria: Oh hi Christopher, how are you doing?

Chris: I'd be lying if I said I was doing good.

Maria: What can I do for you Christopher. Do we need to go over some more coping strategies for your anxiety?

Chris: Actually Maria, I was hoping if we could discuss me restarting therapy.

**To be continued**

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