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"He did what!? I'm gonna kill him! I'm actually gonna kill him!?" Standing from the bed Chris storms over to the door and out your hotel room.

"Chris wait-" you follow close behind trying to prevent him from causing a scene, grabbing onto his arm you pull back and he turns slightly but all you can see is rage in his eyes. "Chris please just leave it!"

"Leave it? Leave it!? He tried to make a pass at you again! And not to mention he was forcefully trying to keep you in his room! No he needs to know this is NOT okay... EVER!" Loosening himself from your grip Chris continues down the hall until he gets to room "301" and he begins aggressively banging on the door.

"Sebastian get out here you son of a bitch!" Chris begins to bang on the door harder, you still continued down the hall after him trying to reason with him about it. "Chris please-" you begin pulling at his arm but he just keeps pulling back from you. "Sebastian I swear if you don't open this door!"

"CHRISTOPHER ENOUGH!" You shout over him causing him to pause a moment before turning to face you. "Just leave it. You'll only make things worse... again."

"Again? What do you mean again? I'm trying to protect you."

"No you're just making a mountain of a molehill. I'm going to sort this."

"How!?" Chris shouts in frustration.

"Don't you raise your voice at me! I'm not the one in the wrong here-"

"Neither am I! God Vee you're impossible!"

"If you'd have let me finish you'd have let me explain how Sebastian is the one in the wrong. But no as per usual you jump to conclusions! I'm sick of this! Do whatever you like! You always do!" Turning on your heels to begin making your way back down to your hotel room slamming the door behind you making sure to lock it. Muttering to yourself you're pacing once again. "This is why I keep secrets he's just impossible."


It's been a few more days since yet another argument with Chris and you're again not on speaking terms. It's starting to get ridiculous now. But nevertheless you loved him unconditionally.

You'd dealt with the whole Sebastian situation, you spoke to your agent and his and it was agreed you both would be on separate schedules where possible for the remainder of the tour. Everyone was due to fly back to the states in a few days as you'd began to wrap up the press tour in England only to move onto the next in the states. Preparing yourself for the day you grab your last few items you need when you hear a knock on the door.

"Scar you do this everyday! You need to remember your keycard!" You shout as you make your way over to the door, you just open and take it off the hinge so they can let themselves in, you don't pay any attention and make your way over to the mirror once more. "So what did you forget then?" You question as you continue adjusting your hair in the mirror.

"I forgot to say how incredibly sorry I am for acting like such a fool this whole trip and that my life would be absolutely nothing without you Vee." You stop what you're doing and turn slightly to see a very puppy eyed Chris holding the most beautiful bouquet of flowers. Lilies your favourite. "Chris what are you doing-" before you can finish you sentence Chris gently places the flowers down and rushes over placing his finger on your lips shushing you. "Look I know this relationship hasn't exactly been the easiest, especially with everything that's happened."

"You've noticed that too?"

He lets out a light laugh before continuing, "Yes. We've had a rollercoaster. The fighting especially, more than before. It's been hard on us both and I just-" Anxiety washes over you, had Chris just come to break up with you. Chris can see the panic in your face. "Shit. Wait no. That came out wrong. No Vee. I'm not breaking up with you."

"Oh thank god." You whisper under your breath, you give him a gentle smile gesturing for him to continue. "Right okay so where I'm going with this is, let's just start over. Let me try again."

"Chris what do you mean?"

"Marry me?"

You stand frozen in time trying to process what Chris has just asked of you. "W-wh-what?" You barley even whisper still in shock. Chris takes your hands in his looking deep into your eyes.

"Marry me Vee. Be my wife. Yeah we fight but who doesn't. I've known you for what 10 years now? I knew since the moment I met you that me and you were destined to be. I just needed to wait until it was my time and that's right now. I don't want to wait another second just being a friend or your boyfriend. I want to be your husband, it's you and me Vee. No matter what happens I will always love you."

Standing again for a few moment you just look deep into his eyes. You knew the answer you were just too in shock to even speak, that's when Chris began to lower himself down onto one knee. Holding your hands in his he looked up with all the love in the world.

"Venus Johansson will you be my wife?"

"Y-yes!!" Finally you find your voice and shout as loud as humanly possible. "Oh my gosh! Yes, yes, yes, 1000 times yes!" Dropping to your knees you place your hands on Chris' cheeks before pulling him in, your lips crashing together. Instantly he wraps his hands around your waist pulling you closer, pushing into him further you cause him to lose balance and both fall to the floor. Giggling into his chest you raise your head to look at him once more.

"Is this really happening? Did you just ask me to be your wife?" Dropping your head once more you nuzzle into his chest, wrapping his arms around your waist tighter he leans in, "Yes. Vee Evans, kinda has a nice ring to it wouldn't you say?"

"Hmmm oh yes I think you're right Mr Evans. Speaking of rings... I don't seem to have one?"

"Yeah about that-" Chris begins before sitting himself up to rest his back along the bed frame. "I erm... well... the thing is..."

"Oh spit it out Chris!" Playfully you hit his chest also moving up to lean on the bed frame. "I wasn't actually supposed to do that."

"I'm confused."

"I didn't think I was going to ask you right in this moment it just kinda slipped out. But I promise the minute we're back in LA I'll take you ring shopping."

"You and your surprises mister." Leaning over your gently plant a kiss on his lips, except Chris didn't allow you to pull away. "Hmm" moaning into the kiss he pulls away slightly, "so I've never had engagement sex before."

"Mmmm... I like the sound of that Mr Evans."

"I like the sounds of that too future Mrs Evans."

a/n: yeah so that kinda just happened idk what else to say.🤷🏼‍♀️ just gotta write what my mind tells me <3

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