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** this next part contains spice**

"Chris! Have you seen the bottle opener!" You bellow from the bottom of the stairs!

"Third draw on the right!" He replies.


It was the weekend and all of you at work had made arrangements for you to have a get together to celebrate being halfway through the project. You all just wanted an excuse for a party and to get drunk. You'd all agreed for you and Chris to host as you had the better house. Not a lie it was gorgeous.


Everyone had started to arrive at yours. You and Chris had spend the whole day getting ready. Chris was on cooking duty and being in charge on the BBQ you were going to do outside. You were on baking duty making all the sweet treats and the both of you did the booze run together. From the amount you bought the store would have thought you were hosting for 50+ when in fact it was 8 people. Max. Oops.

You were really excited to start the night, you were just nervous for Sebastian's arrival. Things had been weird since the start of the week but you knew he was good friends with Chris so you didn't want to leave him out. You may not care for the guy anymore but you weren't a monster. Once everyone had arrived the evening got flowing. Everyone was having a blast! You, Scar and Lizzie were in the dining area, you wanted to show them some song's you'd been learning on the piano. It was fun although the amount of alcohol consumed proved difficult for you to actually play. Chris, Seb, Mackie, Robert & Jeremy were outside.

Chris was tending to the BBQ & the guys were messing around playing catch with the football. Once food was ready you all began to mingle outside. Everyone was getting along great. Yourself and Sebastian included. All through the night you and Chris kept exchanging looks, very flirty looks. You would both catch each other looking and couldn't help but giggle. Neither of you saw the harm and it wasn't like anyone noticed. Or so you thought. It was midnight and you had all congregated to the living room. Jeremy suggested strip poker and you all agreed what a great idea it would be.

"I'll just run upstairs and grab my deck of cards!"

"Hurry back Vee!" Chris bellowed whilst winking. Sebastian was not happy witnessing that.

"I've just got to use the restroom, I'll be back in a min." Sebastian jumps to his feet and runs up the stairs after you.

"It's Chris isn't it." Sebastian spits in anger and is now in your doorway blocking you from leaving.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh you heard me. It's him isn't it! He's the other guy."

"Sebastian I have no idea wha-"


"Seb I think you need to calm down."

"No. I want you. And I'm telling you right now, I will have you. As a matter of fact I'll have you right now." He says in a harsh tone beginning to make his way over to you.

"No!  I told you that me and you are never going to happen! OKAY! WE ARE DONE" You're shouting now, causing everyone else upstairs to hear the commotion.

"Is that Vee & Seb?" Mackie asks.

"I'll go" Scarlett says bolting straight for the stairs.

"Should be follow?" Lizzie ask.

"No Vee & Scarlett can handle themselves." Chris says with reassurance.

Sebastian lunges over grabbing your waist pulling you in trying to kiss you. You manage to turn your head and go to grab his shoulders to push him away.

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