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a/n: firstly I'd like to apologise for not updating for so long I've had major writers block with this but I'm back and hopefully I'll update more regular again with this POV.
Secondly this is more of a filler chapter to bring us to the awaited movie premier.
Thirdly I hope you enjoy ❤️

**Chris POV**


I hear congratulations is in order. I told you that she was mine but obviously you're not very good at listening.

Tony? How did you get this number?

I always have my way and I always get what I want. Enjoy this engagement whilst it lasts.

Are you threatening me!?

Threatening would imply there was a threat to begin with. You? I'm not threatened by you.

I'm not scared of you.

You should be.

"Shit!" I shout to myself in frustration. We have literally been back in LA for 2 days and already Tony is gunning for me. I can't be surprised, Vee was so excited about the engagement she announced it that very day. Not that I wasn't happy about it because I was, finally I got my girl.

"Sweetie! Where are you we're going to be late?" I hear Vee call from downstairs. We'd decided since getting back we'd start looking for our very own place. We only had the lease on the rental place for a couple more weeks so we had to get organised as quickly as possible.

"I'm on my way sweetheart!" I should grabbing my bomber jacket from the closet. Rushing down the stairs I walk into the kitchen planting a small kiss on Vee's forehead whilst she's finishing her coffee.


Pulling my out my pocket I quickly glance down at the message I have received.

Just remember I'll be watching your every move.

Scoffing at the message I quickly shove my phone back in my pocket. "Who was that sweetie?" Vee asks taking the last sip of her coffee. "Oh nobody princess. Now come on the real estate agent will be waiting."


"Hmm I'm not sure about this place. It's not use, don't you think ?" you ask whilst intertwining your fingers with Chris'.

"Hmm yeah I agree, maybe the next place will be?"

"I hope so Chris, so far every house we've been too is either too much or not enough."

"I'm sure the next one will be the one." He says whilst kissing me on the forehead.

About 20 minutes later we arrive at the final location and oh my how Chris was right.

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