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** WARNING, heavy drug use**

You and Sebastian are still dancing, Sebastian has slowly started to move his hands around your body. You spin round once more wrapping your arms around his neck staring deep into your eyes.

"We shouldn't" you say.

"I still love you Vee" Sebastian slowly leans in kissing you on the cheek.

"I know you do" you've now released your arms from around Sebastian and looking to the ground. You hesitate for a moment before saying. "I've just got to use the ladies room". And with that you disappear. Sebastian returns to the booth.

"Hey where's Vee" Chris and Scarlett ask Sebastian as they return to the booth.

"Oh she said she needed the restroom".
Scarlett and Chris just share a look because Scarlett jumps to her feet and runs to the restroom.

"What's all that about Chris".

"Doesn't matter she just needs the restroom herself probably".

**In the restroom**

"Vee where are you?"
"I swear to god Vee!?"
"Excuse me have you see-"

"Wow calm down Scar I'm over here! I was just using the toilet." You say trying to reassure her. You know exactly why she's panicking. She thinks you're taking drugs.

"It's just you disappeared and we both know the last time you disappeared-"

"I haven't taken anything! I told you I stopped!"

"Yeah well then why has Chris just informed me you've been taking them practically everyday!"

You just look at her. You're whole body frozen. Tears started to form in your eyes. You had no idea Chris knew. You were angry, angry at yourself and him. He told Scarlett about what you were doing. Knowing fine well what the consequences would be. You storm out the rest room, pushing everyone out your way as you head over to the booth Chris and Sebastian are at. Tears streaming down your face, rage running through you. You get the the boys they both stop mid conversation and look at you with worry in their eyes.

Chris begins to stand says "Vee are you ok-"

You slap him as hard as you could right across his face! He grabs his cheek and is in utter shock. Sebastian just sits there his jaw slightly open and Scarlett has just caught up behind you, stunned at what you've just done.

"You utter asshole! You knew! And you told her! I HATE YOU!!"

You turn to Scarlett who's just stood there.

"And you! You don't get to tell me what I can and can't do! You weren't there! You don't know what it's like! Fuck you! Fuck all of you!"

You leave the club. The rage inside you is so strong now you could scream! You grab your phone out of your bag and hit your speed dial.

Yeah it's me. I need a supply but this time something stronger!

491 Grange Drive, 20 minutes.

You flag an Uber down which takes you to the address, once you get there you exchange the money and get the drugs. You then head back to the Uber and go to another club. A club you know no one will find you. Once you arrive you do the usual routine and head straight to the restroom and set up. You've got a mixture of coke and LSD. You sniff a few lines and pop a few LSD pills before heading to the dancefloor.

**30 minutes later**

You're absolutely off hour face now you don't know where you are, how to talk, you can barley even walk but you don't care. All the pain, all the heartache gone. You look down to your phone to see 10 missed calls from Sebastian, 20 off Scarlett and 40 from Chris. Your phone begins to ring again.

Incoming call Chris Evans.

With that you decide to switch your phone off. You decide to head to the bar and grab another drink. You proceed to do shot, after shot, after shot until eventually the bartender won't serve you anymore. It's now 4am. A huge wave of rage hits you and you go crazy kicking off smashing glasses demanding another drink. The bouncers have to literally carry you out the club. One of them manages to get you to an Uber and you somehow manage to slur your address to the driver.

You pull up to the house, falling out the Uber. You're not sure how you even got there. You fall out the Uber and pass out on the sidewalk. A few minutes pass and you're able to stand. Somehow. You begin making your way to the door, although you're finding it difficult as you only have one heel on, unsure of where the other has gone to. Immediately the door flys open Chris & Scarlett come running towards you.

"Vee where the hell have you been!?" Scarlett demands. But it's no good you collapse again as you're comatosed barley being able to lift you're head as they support you up.

"Dooo-doon-dont yooouuu ttt-ouch meee!" You can barely speak.

They get you inside the house and manage to get you to the bathroom. Chris switched the shower on whilst Scarlett is taking your other shoe off. The next think you feel is the cold chill of the water as they've placed you inside fully dressed- obviously trying to sober you up.

Holy shit that waters cold!

Within minutes though you're completely passed out. Between Scarlett and Chris they dry you off and get you ready for bed. Tucking you in. Chris and Scarlett start to go through your bag as you sleep only to find the small bag of powder and the small bag of pills.

"Oh god- what's happened to my sister!"

Authors note: hope your enjoying so far.

What will happen next with Vee?
Will she get help or will she crumble even more?

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