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The next 3 weeks we're a blur, you had really started to pull yourself together. You decided it was no good hiding yourself away all day so you decided to become more productive around the house. You began doing morning yoga in the garden which really allowed you to de-stress. You were eating properly again and did engage in small talk with Chris when absolutely necessary. Although you really did enjoy his company, you just couldn't show it. You also figured being around him all the time would show you're not using again. You did let him cook for you also as you knew he was always the better cook. You even began to use the grand piano in the dining area. You would find yourself getting lost in the music and decided to focus on trying to learn some new music. You weren't looking to achieve anything as such, you thought it would be a good way to get your feelings out.

**later that day**

You were in the dining area on the piano focusing the melody. You hadn't heard but Chris and Scarlett had both got back from running some errands. As soon as they walked in they could hear you playing. They made their way to the kitchen to unpack the groceries. You still hadn't heard them and began talking to yourself.

"Ooh yes! Wait think I've got this!" glee in your voice. You began to play the melody before starting with the lyrics.

**disclaimer, not an original. Song- somewhere only we know by keane**

"I walked across an empty land,
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand,
I felt the earth beneath my feet,
Sat by the river and it made me complete,

Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on,
So tell me when you're gonna let me in,
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin,"

You stop. "YES! This is perfect!" You say aloud smiling from ear to ear. You'd always loved this song and really wanted to learn it.

"Wow Vee, that was beautiful" you turn to see Scarlett in the doorway. You jump up and run to her hugging her tightly.

"Oh Scarlett I've missed you!" Since she left 4 weeks back you hadn't seen her she was so busy on set.

"I've missed you too sweetie!"

You and Scarlett talk for a while, it's clear to see that you've actually made an improvement over the following weeks much to everyone's liking including your own. You begin to think to yourself that you've turned a corner. You, Scarlett and Chris have dinner together that evening and you all have such a good time. Scarlett and Chris apologise to you but you also apologise to them. You all agree that you've turned a corner and that you can be trusted again.

That evening you're given your phone back and hinted you're okay to be out and about again like normal, they even suggest a night out in the clubs. They knew alcohol was fine and with the way you'd been they thought you were no longer in a dark place.

Now if this was true what was to come in the coming months would have been avoided but unfortunately everyone else was not aware that you hadn't left your dark place. Not even you had realised you were still in a dark place. You just managed to hide it well. Not only from the others but yourself.


**First day back on set**

It's yours and Chris' first day back on set and everything seems to be running very smoothly. The morning goes by in a blur and it's lunchtime. You're making your way to the cafeteria when you here your name called.

"Vee! Wait up" you turn to see it's Sebastian calling you.

I don't need this right now. I've just sorted my head out and now you're gonna mess things up.

"Oh hey Sebastian"

"How you doing Vee I haven't seen you in forever"

"Oh you know, caught a stomach bug but I'm back now"

"Oh that's great! Wanna grab lunch?" He could sense he caught you off guard.

"Oh, erm.. sure thing" you say with a weak smile. You're halfway through your pizzas when you suddenly think.

I can't handle this, I need a hit. Who was I kidding. I'm still a joke to all these people. I will always let people down.

You subconsciously begin to tense up, tears forming in your eyes without you even realising. "Hey everything okay Vee?"

"Oh... yeah everything is fine Sebastian" you say with a fake smile.

You finish the day and head straight back to the house. Chris isn't back yet which you're thankful for as you can feel yourself starting to freak out. The urge to make that call was growing stronger by the minute but you were trying to fight it. You had to! If it wasn't for yourself it was for Scarlett.

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