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After the funeral you and Chris didn't get much chance to speak about your recent declaration of love to one another. You had to head back to the rehab centre. After the ceremony finished Scarlett came to find you and took you straight back to the centre. Once again you didn't say goodbye to Chris. You couldn't. It hurt too much thinking about how you were leaving him. Again.

**one week later**

You finally come to the end of your rehabilitation programme and you're packing up your things ready to go home. Hmmm home. You can't help wonder will Chris be there? You hoped he would be but you'd understand if he didn't want to be around you. Even though he told you he loved you back, you still felt you didn't deserve him. His love. His support. You make your way out the centre and Scarlett is there waiting for you. You run over giving her the biggest hug. For the first time in a long time you actually believed that this is it. You're no longer in a dark place and finally ready to continue on in life.

"Oh Scar! I know it's only been another week but I've missed you so so much!" You say grabbing her tightly refusing to let go. "Oh I've missed you too sweetie. I have a surprise for you." You release your grip slightly pulling back. "You do?" Furrowing your brow.

"Hello princess." You recognise that voice. You turn quickly to see Chris standing there behind you, tears already forming in his eyes but his smile. Oh how his smile is so warm and welcoming. "Chris!?" You leap over to him wrapping your arms around his neck burying your face into his chest. "Chris I've missed you so so much!" He wraps his hands around your waist holding you tight! He moves one of his arms up your back holding onto your head pulling it in planting a kiss on your scalp. "I've missed you more." He then moves his head down burying it in your neck. Tears begin streaming down your face. You're so happy to see the man you love right here right now. In this moment. After everything you had put him through. He was here and he chose you.

After your mini reunion you all make your way back to the house. Scarlett took the wheel whilst you and Chris sat in the back together. He held you tight the whole way home, planting kisses all over your face, on your lips and forehead. He made you feel so warm and happy again. You hadn't felt like this in a very very long time.

Once you arrive home Chris and Scar let you go unpack and settle back in, after tomorrow you were all back at work in the final stages of getting the movie finished. An hour or so passes and you've just been in your room. It feels weird being back considering everything that's gone on the last few months but you were glad to be back. You begin thinking about what the future may hold for yourself, for you and Chris.

"Vee! Dinners ready!" You're ripped out of your thoughts from Scar calling you from downstairs. You quickly grab a sweater placing it over your head then head downstairs to meet Scar and Chris. You get to the foot of the stairs taking a deep breath smelling the food in the air. "Mmmm... something smells good." You make your way over to the dining room table. Sitting once where you and Chris had got intimate after that party. Reminiscing on those memories you can't help but smile to yourself. "What you smiling about huh?" Scar says nudging you across the table. "Oh nothing." Shooting a quick side eye to Chris causing him to smirk and let out a quiet laugh. "Right what is going on?"

"Trust me Scar. You don't want to know" giving her a sly wink.

"Eww. You guys are gross." Scar turns her nose up just at the thought of you two. "Anyways. If we don't hurry the Tacos will get cold."

"Chris is right Scar, let's dig in." You all enjoy your meal together getting deep into conversation about what to expect for the last few months of filming. "Oh gosh would you look at the time it's 11:30pm, I best get going. Right so I'll see you lovely people on Monday bright and breezy."

"That you will Scar, that you will." Pulling her into a big hug you quietly whisper "and thank you for everything. I couldn't have done with without you." She pulls back giving you a reassuring look. After she says her goodbyes to Chris he lets her out whist you make your way to the sofa collapsing on it closing your eyes.

Today has been a long day.

"Hey you." Chris says lifting your head whilst he sits allowing you to rest it on his lap. "Hey" giving him a warm smile, rolling to your side giving you access to hug him slightly. "Glad to be back?"

"Yeah it's been a crazy couple of weeks... look Chris... I'm sorry about the funeral my emotions were all over the place and-"

"Hey no need to apologise. I'm sorry for just turning up like that, it's just after what happened I needed to make sure you were okay." He leans down kissing Your forehand. " I know and I'm grateful you did come. I finally found the courage to tell you how I felt." He let's out a light chuckle. "That you did Vee. That you did." He begins stroking your hair. Hmm that feels nice. "So Chris, what does this mean for us?"

"What do you mean princess?" Oh I love it when he calls me that. "Like what happens now. For me and you? We never did discuss what this was."

"You're right we didn't. But I suppose no better time than any to discuss it right now."

"I agree." You slowly raise your head up to sit next to him properly shifting your body to face him resting one leg in the sofa, allowing the other to remain on the floor. Chris turns his body to face you too, resting his right arm on the back of the sofa. "So Venus." This makes you cringe slightly. You hate being called by your full name. "Yes Christopher." This makes him cringe too.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Will you be my boyfriend?"

You both ask the question in sync, erupting in laughter that you'd both outright asked the question you'd both longed for.


Both laughing again for being in sync. "Well that settles it then doesn't it. You're my girlfriend." He smiles planting a kiss on your forehead. "And you're my boyfriend." You lean in planting a gentle kiss on his lips.

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