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Unknown caller?


"So how was the hit?"

"What the hell are you doing calling me!?" You say in a harsh whisper.

"What? My favourite client goes off the radar for 2 months, hits me up offering double pay. I wanna know what you think of the new gear."

"Look I'm sure it was great but I didn't try any. I'm done. I mean it this time. I can't. I have responsibility. I have people who believe in me."

"Oh now come on Vee don't be like that. I know how much you want it. How much you need it."

He wasn't wrong but you wanted to be better.

"Look thanks for everything but please don't call me again."

"Oh I'll be hearing from you very soon Vee. I just know right"

**Call disconnected**

Well fuck.


**incoming call Sebastian**

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**incoming call Sebastian**

I guess it's good as time as any to face the music.



"Vee I'm-""

"Look I'm sorry I've been avoiding your calls and messages. But I need to tell you something."

"Vee I'm so glad you answered. I have something to tell you too."

"You go first"

"Look can we talk... in person?"

*sigh* "sure Sebastian when?"

"Back to Sebastian I see." he says with a light chuckle. "Okay how about you come over?"

"NO!" You follow with a long pause. " you come to me. 20 minutes time."

"See you then."

**Call ended **

I actually hate my life right now.

20 minutes later and Sebastian arrives at the house. The doorbell goes so you quickly run downstairs to the door shouting "It's for me!" Chris still follows behind you tucking himself in the doorframe of the dining area to avoid being spotted.

"Hi Seb, please come in." you gesture with a small smile. Sebastian leans in giving you a gentle kiss on the cheek, grabbing you waist giving you a quick squeeze.

"Thanks for finally seeing me Vee."

"It's okay, right lets go out into the garden, have some privacy, Chris is around the house somewhere". Chris drops further back into the dining area. He doesn't know why but it's feeling a lot of hurt right now. Worried about what Vee & Sebastian's conversation might hold.

Vee and Sebastian quickly make their way through and to the garden, perching themselves on the small wall. Chris has now made his way back into the open plan kitchen, moving closer to the backdoor which is still slightly open. He's close enough to listen but away enough so he isn't seen. There is a long awkward silence before Sebastian finally speaks up.

"Vee I want to start again. Me and you" he's looking down to the ground, unable to make eye contact.

"No" you say in a harsh tone. Harsher than you'd have intended.

"What you to mea-" Sebastian now raising his head meeting your eyes.

"Look Seb. Last night was a mistake okay? I'm sorry but I don't think it would be a good idea."

"Why not? Last night was amazing Vee, come on surely you felt it too?" you don't say anything in response.

"Right..? Vee?"

"No... I can't... okay. Last night was good don't get me wrong but I still can't forgive you."

"Vee come on it was over 3 years ago now. I've changed." you can sense the annoyance in his tone.

"Seb you still cheated. And as much as you may believe you have changed, I don't know that you won't do it again." *sigh*

"Please Vee... I need you" tears begin forming in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I've made my decision. I don't feel the same way in which you feel for me." now tears begin forming in your eyes. But you knew what you felt and the care and lust you had been feeling wasn't for him but for someone else. There is another long pause.

"Is there someone else?" this question caused you off guard. It felt like Sebastian was reading your mind. Chris perked up hearing that question, moving dangerously closer to the door, in anticipation for your answer.

*sigh* "yes" you're voice cracking as tears begin falling down your face, you quickly look away from Sebastian.

"I...I think it's best you leave Seb."

"Vee please I just want another chance. I want you back so bad! I nee-".

"Just leave. Please."

Sebastian slowly rises up from the wall and begins making his was over to the door. Chris quickly bolts down the hall towards the stairs, he doesn't want to be seen. Sebastian stops as he gets the door and slowly turns back to face Vee. You now have your face in your hands as you begin to cry uncontrollably. You hated feeling like this but he needed to know there was no do-overs. No second chances. He turns again and leaves.

As soon as Chris knows Sebastian has left he makes his way towards to backdoor to check on you in the garden. He can see you sobbing holding your face in your hands. He slowly begins to approach you, trying not to startle you. He begins to slowly sit down next to you on the wall before wrapping his arm gently around your shoulder pulling you in. You instantly rest your head on Chris' shoulder, unable to stop your tears from falling. He leans down slightly before gently planting a kiss on your forehead. This made you smile slightly. He then moves his head and rest's it on top of yours. You knew he was just trying to comfort you and you really appreciated it.

You continue to cuddle into him, hearing his steady heartbeat. You found it very comforting to listen to. What you would do to kiss this man right now. You both stay silent for a little while. It's nice though. Comforting. Peaceful. Chris raises his head slightly causing you to lift yours to look at his face. All he says is one word. One world which makes your heart melt and a wave of joy come over you.

"Friends?" he says with a timid smile.

"Friends!" you reply with a big beaming smile. You then wrap your arm around his waist squeezing him slightly before resuming your head position on his shoulder, him doing the same resting his head on yours. You both spend the rest of the evening like this smiling watching the sunset.

Today has been a good day.

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