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About a week had passed since your 'episode' and you literally felt like you were on house arrest. Chris and Scarlett watched you 24/7. You weren't allowed to leave the house and when you did it was always with someone. Scarlett and Chris searched your room ensuring no more drugs were laying around. Your phone was given to Scarlett to prevent you from messaging your dealer. You felt like a prisoner.

Since your meltdown you hadn't spoken a single word to either to them.

"Vee come on downstairs, you've got to eat something!" Scarlett bellowed from the bottom of the stairs. You decide to head down but not for them, you refuse to take anything from them. You begin making your way down the stairs greeted by both with a smile beamed across their faces.

"Look we made your favourite, tacos" Chris says encouragingly.

Damn I do like tacos.

You walk up to the kitchen counter, pick up the plate of tacos staring at them intensely. You turn your body plate in hand. You lift your head slightly looking them book directly in the eyes, darting yours back and forth from the two of them. They're still smiling but you then look through them, no emotions at all. You begin making your way over to the little island before stopping a moment. You're next to the bin and with that you sigh and drop the plate straight into the bin and head straight back upstairs.

I do like tacos but I'd rather starve than take food from them.

"Vee! Come on! You can't not eat!" Chris shouts just as you've got to the stairs. You freeze for a moment before slowly turning to face them back. You look again this time anger in your eyes, you don't know if it was the lack of food or the withdrawal from the drugs but you said,

"I wish you'd left me for dead" you turn and head back up the stairs and to your room.

Chris & Scarlett POV

"What are we going to do Chris? She can't stay like this forever." Scarlett begins tearing up.

" I know... maybe it's time you leave?"

"Leave what do you mean!?"

"Hear me out. I know you wanna be here to look after her but maybe us both pandering to her and not letting her have some freedom is making things worse".

Scarlett just looks at Chris unsure of where he's heading.

"Maybe if it was just Vee and I she's maybe started to relax some more? I don't know."

"No you're right, she needs space and we're not giving her it. Let me go say goodbye"

"Sure thing Scar."

Scarlett heads up the stairs to Vee's room, hesitating before knocking. You don't answer, Scarlett opens the door ajar to see you laying on your bed facing away. She says she's leaving and she'll be back to visit in a week. You remain still trying to not acknowledge what she's said but you give in and turn to her. You can see she's trying not to cry and it breaks your heart. You sigh before saying,

"I'm sorry.... I love you Scar" before quickly turning away with tears forming in your eyes themselves.
"I love you too Vee" Scarlett shuts your door and leaves. From now on or at least for the week it was just gonna be you and Chris, and you weren't okay with that.

An few more hours pass and you decide after a week of only eating bare minimum you need to eat. You get up, shower which you also hadn't done for so long, got fresh clothes on and headed downstairs. You ignore Chris who's watching TV and head over to the kitchen searching for something to make. You open the fridge and see extra Tacos which Chris had obviously made after you threw the last ones in the trash. You hesitate before taking them and heating them up in the microwave. After they're ready you grab a glass of water and head to one of the chairs in living room and begin to eat. Chris just watches you amazed you've actually showered and are now eating.

"What?" You snap

"Oh.. erm.. jus-"

"Take a picture it'll last longer" you roll your eyes before bringing your focus back into your tacos.

Damn these are good tacos

An hour passes and you're still in Chris' company, he thinks you haven't noticed but he's been staring at you on and off all night. You can tell he wants to talk to you, contemplating whether to let him or not you decide what's the harm, anything to gain their trust so you can start using again.

"Look Chris- I know you and Scar are just trying to help but I'm fine... really. Look I've been clean a week and look at me, I'm as right as rain" giving him a cheesy grin.

"Vee, you're not kidding anyone." He says sympathy in his eyes.

"Fine jackass!" You jump up from your seat, before you leave you risk and ask. "Can I at least have my phone? I mean it is mine."

"'Maybe in a few days Vee" he sighs. "I need to know you won't do anything stupid first."

"Whatever, oh and I still hate you" you snare.

"Yeah well I'm not fond of you either right now!" He snaps back.

"No you never have been since you thought I was a cheating whore! Ever wondered why I acted like one so much, just look in the mirror. You did this! You broke our friendship!" you're angry now. You're so fed up of his shit. Chris stands and moves towards you obviously rattled by your comment.

"Look Vee I didn't know ok-"

"No you don't get to speak Christopher! You were my best friend for 6 years before Sebastian came along! 6 fucking years and when me and Sebastian broke up, it was him you believed! Never giving me a thought! You make me feel so dirty and I didn't do anything wrong!"

He takes a few more step closer. You're basically nose on nose with each other. "Vee, I didn't mean to hurt you" he whispers gently holding your hand.

"I know but you did, you hurt me so bad" allowing a sob to escape your mouth. You quickly reach up to cover your mouth with your free hand.

You both look at each other in the eyes like you're in some sort of trance. "Vee if there is anything I can do to make it up to you?" Both still staring into each other's eyes. You then break eye contact as you look to his lips then back to his eyes.

You sign before saying "just leave me alone". Sadness in your eyes. Like you were defeated. You wanted to kiss him so bad but he hurt you. He hurt you real bad. With that you head up to your room, locking it behind you sliding your back down the door letting the tears roll freely down your face. You stayed there for about 30 minutes, allowing the odd sob to leave your mouth causing you to hold it to try keep quiet. All the time not knowing Chris has followed you up the stairs. He stood there a while hesitating to knock before he too slide his back down the other side of your door crying silently .

It broke your heart how you were so close to getting your best friend back. It hurt how much you could feel yourself falling for him.

It broke his heart how broken you actually were. How much you now truly hated him. It hurt how much he was starting to fall for you too.

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