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**On set**

"So Vee & Chris today it's just you guys on set. You've got some intimate scenes needing filmed today and we thought it would be best just the two of you. No distractions. This needs to be right."

Straight away your eyes dart to Chris and him to yours. You both head to makeup to get ready for the day. Whilst you're sat in the chairs you start smirking to yourself.

"What's so funny?" Chris asks.

"Oh ya know... you're gonna get that kiss today" winking in amusement.

"Oh and I can't wait darling" he snaps back to your surprise. You just look at him in shock jaw slightly open. You can't believe what he's just said. And with your reaction.

Chris starts smirking to himself muttering under his breathe "oh today is going to be fun".

**A few hours later**

"Right... and ACTION"

You lean into Chris, slowly hesitating slightly as indicated to do so. Chris stares deep into your eyes slowly closing them leaning in himself. His lips softly meet yours, you both pull back slightly before allowing them to meet again. Your lips crashed together passionately, you let out a small moan against his lips which then made him do the same. You began moving across the room as instructed to do so towards the on set bedroom. Chris then kicked the door shut as directed and and moved you across the room to the bed.

"Cut that was brilliant guys!" The director beamed happy with your work.

But you and Chris didn't stop, you were both so caught up in the moment you continued yours steamy make out session. The director looked on in disbelief smirking.


You and Chris instantly break away from each other both out of breath. You both are leaning against each other's forehands then look at each other in the eyes. You both smirk and burst out laughing.

"Nice smooch there lover boy!"

"Not so bad yourself m,lady" offering his hand to yours. You graciously accept before both laughing again.

"Wanna grab some food?" You ask without even thinking. For a split second it was like the good old days. You and your BFF against the world.

"Sure I'm starving! You're buying!" He says as he nudges you in the arm and with that you both walk off set together to the cafeteria laughing and joking with each other. The director and crew just look on in utter shock that the pair of you are actually getting on for the first time since beginning filming.

Wtf just happened. That was amazing.

Chris POV

Oh man that kiss was unbelievable. Her lips were so soft, the way she moved her tongue, Ah man she tasted so good- and that's just her mouth.

Wait pull yourself together man! It was just an on screen kiss and anyways we're supposed to hate each other. But her eyes the way she looked at me, that wasn't fake it can't have been!

You and Vee continue to the cafeteria and grab a burger and fries each and sit down at one of the tables. Neither of you spoke since sitting down and you didn't know whether to say anything or not. Man screw it we're adults it's just a conversation. You go to open your mouth to speak when suddenly-

"You wanna go out tonight?" Vee blurts out.

"Oh.. erm.. I.. erm-" Chris man us your words.

"With me and Scarlett? We're going clubbing. You can ever invite Sebastian if you want some more company?"

Wait did she just offer Seb to be in the same place as her? For me? Do I go? Do I ask Seb? Is she okay? Ever since last week things have been weird.

"Chris??" She breaks you out your thoughts.

"Oh yeah sure I'll message Seb now"

"Awesome!! I'll let Scarlett know to grab a booth for 4 people tonight, let's say 9pm??"

"Perfect- Seb says sure thing"

"Great" you can see Vee is slightly uncomfortable but I mean she was the one to offer. Man is it bad I wanna kiss her again.

You idiot Vee. Why did you invite Sebastian!?

You can't believe what you've just asked Chris. You just blurted out that he should come to the club with you and then to top it all off, you invite Sebastian. Your ex fiancé. Like WTF you thinking! You knew you couldn't take it back now.

You and Chris proceed to finish the day filming, thankfully no more intimate scenes were needed for a little while which was a relief since you knew you wouldn't be able to control yourself much longer if you had to keep kissing him like that. You don't know what it is but kissing Chris. It made you feel something you hadn't in a very very long time. Passion. Lust. Maybe even Love?

You shook off your thoughts quickly. You still hated him for what he did but you thought maybe acting more civil would make both your lives easier. You enjoyed the torment and annoying him but you really did miss your best friend. Maybe, just maybe you guys could become friend again.

Authors note: who knows what will happen next?❤️❤️

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