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I can't do it. I can't take these. This would kill Scarlett & Chris. I can't hurt them anymore.

You head straight to your bathroom and begin to pour the powder in the toilet before flushing. You dump the plastic bag in the bin before heading out your room and back downstairs to meet Chris for breakfast. You don't know how you managed to but you knew it was wrong and you wanted to be a better person. You and Chris proceed to enjoy breakfast together before deciding to car share to set. You don't know why but you're feeling in a somewhat good mood despite last nights events. You keep getting flashbacks of your night Sebastian. You couldn't help but feel guilt. Especially how you spend the whole night thinking of someone else. Wishing it was Chris instead of him. You'd ignored the string of messages from Sebastian you couldn't face him right now but you knew he needed to know it was never going to happen. You and him were done. For good.

**On set**

You spent most of the day with Chris as it was a lot more scenes just you and him. You were grateful as you knew you wouldn't see Sebastian much. You weren't ready for the conversation just yet. Come lunchtime you, Chris and Scarlett head to the cafeteria. Whilst you're all engaging in conversation Sebastian comes in and Chris flags him down to join you guys.

Thanks Chris. Not.

Sebastian makes his way over and instantly you tense up.

"So how was last night Seb?" Chris asking.

"Oh... erm... yeah it was great man. Right Vee?" He's now looking over to you but you can't make eye contact.

"Sure thing." You hesitate a moment before standing and leaving the cafeteria without saying another word to any of them.

"What's up with her?" Scarlett asks the boys.

"No idea Scar she's been off since the car journey home last night."

"Seb, what happened last night?" They both ask. Both knowing they're not going to like the answer.

**Back home**

You and Chris shared another awkward silence car journey home from set. You can tell somethings bothering Chris. Maybe he knows about last night? Surely not? You make your way inside the house but before you can head up the stairs Chris blocks your way.

"So you hooked up with Sebastian last night huh?" Chris getting straight to the point. Leaning against the hallway doorframe crossing his arms.

"I don't know what you're talk-"

"Don't lie to me Vee. I thought we didn't lie to each other anymore." Standing back up moving towards you slightly.

You stare down to your fidgeting hands. Unable to make eye contact with him. Chris proceeds to move closer to you.

"Look I'm not mad Vee. I just want to understand..." you still don't respond. He's now standing right in front of you. You can feel his hot breath.

"I can't understand why after everything he did to you, you go and sleep with him. I know how badly he's hurt you. And..."

There is a long awkward pause.

"And I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I never let you explain. I'm sorry for accusing you of such awful things. I'm sorry for calling you a... calling you... erm... a... whore". Now Chris is looking down at his feet also fidgeting with his hands.

You begin to slightly raise your head, he also doing so. You're not too sure how to respond to him. This is the first time in a long time you're seeing the old Chris. Your best friend. Knowing how sorry he was just made you want him more. You're not sure why but for some reason you were falling for the guy and it was killing you knowing it was never going to happen.


**Chris POV**

Vee's just been staring at you for 10 minutes now. Not saying a word. You really wanted to tell her how much it hurt knowing she went back to him. You wanted to tell her how much you wanted her, how much you needed her. But you knew you couldn't. All because she hated you. You kept your head down not wanting to make eye contact. Scared what was to come next.

"Chris." Vee whispers breaking the silence.
"Chris please look at me." You slowly begin to raise your head locking eyes with Vee.

Man her eyes are a dream.

"Look I'm sorry okay. Last night was a mistake. I know that" still talking in a timid, quiet tone. She sighs. "Please say something?"

You remain silent for a moment before finally responding. *sigh* "why'd you do it Vee?"

She looks back down to her hands breaking eye contact, before hesitantly bringing her head back up to meet your eyes again.

"I don't know. It was weak of me I know. I just... *sigh* I'm just so lost right now. All I know is that it was a mistake. I don't want him. I want... I... just want..." *sigh*

"Yes Vee?"

"I want-" Vee is quickly cut off my her phone buzzing.
"Sorry Chris I have to get this" she gestures before making her way past you and up the stairs.

What do you want Vee? What do you want?

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