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That's her dealer. That's her fucking dealer. What the hell is she doing going to see him.

As soon as I see you being pinned up against your car for the second time and this guy shoves what appears to be a line under your nose I knew who it was. As suspected. Holding my breath I couldn't help fear that you would give in and use again but when you didn't. That's when I knew how incredibly stupid I had been. I knew I couldn't leave until I knew you'd gone yourself. I didn't want you to be alone and I killed me not being able to go over there but I knew if I did, I'd just make things 1000% worse for you.

When you gets in your car and drives off I feel a wave of relief knowing your getting yourself out of there, I know you're not heading home and from my behaviour I cannot blame you. Stepping out the car I need some air, just need to wrap my head around all this, now I know who's causing you to act funny I just need to find out why. Pacing up and down the sideways I don't notice the tall figure approaching me from behind.

"Chris isn't it?" I spin round to see him. Your dealer approaching me from behind, but how does he know who I am? There again I am a pretty well know household name. "Do I know you?" That's all I retort back to the guy trying to remain calm. He extends his arm out fully indicating for me to shake his hand. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure of getting acquainted. I'm Tony." I cautiously accept the handshake gripping tightly before retracting my hand back. "I saw you watching us. Well I saw you before I'd even arrived." He knew I was here the whole time? "Quite a show I put on wouldn't you say. I genuinely thought she'd cave." He lets out a light laugh. I don't respond, not because I didn't want to but because I didn't know how to. What game was he playing? "Here's the deal Chris, I know you're wrapping up filming soon and you'll both be away. I can accept that. But what I won't accept is her cutting me out her life, after everything I've done for her-"

I can't take this bullshit anymore and I lunge over grabbing his jacket with both hands pinning him against the wall. "Everything you've done for her! Is that a joke! You literally got her hooked on drugs." He just stands there raising his hands in surrender at me. "No she did that to herself. I never made her do anything. Venus isn't as innocent as you all may think. She came to me." He then placed his hands to my arms gripping tightly before ripping my hands off him. I turn away ready to walk away then he grabs me and slams me against the wall. He bring his right arm over my chest pressing me against the wall.

His eyes are dark and empty. "You never let me finish. How rude. Somebodies forgotten their manners." Tony just smirks at me only causing the anger to rise more within me. I squirm underneath the pressure of his arm on my chest trying to break free but he's surprisingly very strong.

"Now as I was saying after everything I've done for Vee I can't just have her cut me out her life. I'll leave you both alone... for now. But once you're back from the press tours she will be hearing from me again. You know as well as I do Christopher that she is weak. Pathetic really. So we both know she'll use again and once she does she'll be mine." He speaks in a very mocking tone. I try again to break free from him as I can't take it anymore, hearing him say all this vicious things about you. "You sick son of a bitch. You're wrong, Venus is an incredible woman!"

"She will use again. I'll make sure of it. In the end she'll always choose drugs. Always choose me.
You'll see soon enough." He releases the pressure off your chest and takes a step back. I go to take a crack and his face but he grabs me by my jacket and knees me right in my gut, winding me and making me collapse to my knees. He bends down to be at my level. "Wow you keep playing up like this and I'll have to kill you." He looks me dead in the eyes and gives a smile which makes me feel so uneasy knowing he's not kidding. Tony slowly stands before turning and walking away. As he nears his own car he shouts over his shoulder to me "I'll be seeing you around Christopher. You make sure you behave yourself now bud." I raise my head to see him get into his black SUV and speed off down the street.


Slowly I raise back to my feet and make my way over to my car. Getting in a start the ignition and head straight for home, everything was such a mess but I knew then that I had to do everything in my power to protect you. Things weren't going to be easy but now I knew what the problem was I could help. Yes you may not know I know but that was for you to decide whether to tell me or not. I wasn't going to push you any further, I need you by my side. You are my everything and I will do everything in my power to protect you and if that means getting killed then so be it.

Once home I realise you still aren't back from wherever it is you've gone after your little showdown with Tony. I decided that I'll make your favourite food for when you do return home. I now know how much of a fool I've been so I'll do everything to make it up to you. It's around 7pm when you finally return home. I hear the door go and come rushing to the hallway to see you head hung in shame holding a large brown paper bag. Furrowing my brow I move over placing my hands on either side of your arms. "Hey baby where have you been. I've been so worried and I'm so so sorry." I pull you in and instantly your wrap your arms around me tight. Like it had been forever since we'd last met. "Chris I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to worry you I just needed to try sort a few things out." You pull back and look deep into my eyes. I can see the sadness behind them, it's obvious Tony used some choice words with you too. "I bought tacos your favourite." She raises the bag and waves it above her head. I can't help but laugh and retract back from her planting my hand on my left side of my chest throwing my head back in laughter. "What's so funny." You ask looking at me in confusion. "Oh baby I made us tacos too! To say sorry." This time you're the one throwing your head back in laughter. "Like two peas hey!" I say pulling you back in again planting a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Hmm two peas. I like that." You say giving a warm smile.

For the rest of the evening we both devour our homemade and takeout tacos watching Netflix and drinking beers. Today had been shitty but knowing we both had each other made it all seem like things were going to be ok.

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