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"Thank you for waiting Ms Johannson."

Shifting nervously you adjust yourself in the chair. After speaking to the young lady at the front desk you were quickly guided to a police interview room and had been left for a good 20 minutes, leaving you to stew on your thoughts. At several points during the excruciating 20 minutes you'd contemplated getting up and leaving but you knew it wasn't the answer.

"Th-that's okay, thank you for agreeing to see me so soon detective." You smile at the brunette who takes a seat opposite you, unbuttoning his blazer.

"My pleasure, we've been trying to get Mr Lopez for sometime now and not many people have come forward so when I was informed someone was here to give information... I couldn't pass up that opportunity."

Nodding my head to show you understood you begin playing with your hands nervously underneath the table.

"Please Ms Johnannson-"

"Call me Vee..."

"Okay... Vee, please don't be scared you're doing the right thing. Now take your time and tell me everything you know about Mr Lopez."


Walking quickly back to the car you can see Chris scrolling through his phone, oblivious to your arrival. Knocking on the driver's window Chris nearly drops his phone, causing you to erupt in laughter at the jump scare you caused. Walking around the car you get into the passenger side, still laughing at Chris' reaction.

"Oh I wish I had that on camera! That was brilliant!" Laughing you buckle your seatbelt, watching Chris' face stretch into an adorable grin.

"I'm glad you didn't! Did everything go okay? You were in there for a while..."

"Yeah I think so... I told him everything and I gave them access to my phone to get all the messages exchanged between us both.... He said it's enough to build a base. They'll probably ring and ask you to come in too and provide evidence but I think it could be enough to charge him."

"Baby that's amazing news! Aww I'm so proud of you!" Squeezing your thigh gently, Chris starts the ignition of the car and you both head back home, enjoying each other's company for the rest of the day.

Over the next few days nothing out of the ordinary occurred, as expected Chris got the call from the police and gave all the information he had to help build up the case against Tony. After that it was just the case of waiting and seeing what would happen.



Detective Miles:
Hi Vee it's Detective Miles, I'm ringing with an update.

Oh, is everything okay?

Detective Miles:
Yes, everything is great in fact, I'm ringing to inform you that we've taken Mr Lopez into custody. The tip off you gave us about his various drug den locations paid off. He was the main club on Grange Drive.

Woah, that's fantastic news! Oh my gosh I can't believe you've brought him in so soon! What does this mean then?

Detective Miles:
Well with the information and evidence we have he'll probably be officially charged. I think we're just in with a chance of locking him away for good.

You have no idea how much this means! Thank you so so much!

Detective Mile:
My pleasure, we'll keep you updated on any further developments with the case and you should know, you'll probably be needed in court to give evidence if this does go to trial. I doubt Mr Lopez is going to give up without a fight.

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